Consultation on the proposed change to Leicester City Council’s Evesham House

Closed 5 Sep 2013

Opened 5 Aug 2013

Feedback updated 16 Sep 2014

We asked

We asked you to make comments on the council’s proposal to close Evesham House due to National welfare reforms implementation and the financial impact on this project. The benefit cap introduced in August 2013 meant that there was a shortfall in housing benefit entitlement for residents at Evesham House. The benefit income cap rule affects working age, benefit income households which eventually will limit the claimant’s income to a maximum £350. Where exemptions are in place, the current residents of Evesham did not qualify. Also, as the property is owned by Leicester City Council it is also not exempt from the new benefit cap. The shortfall means that there will be a significant financial deficit in rental contributions to Leicester City Council. As a result of this the project is no longer financially viable.

You said

There was an acknowledgement about the benefit changes lying behind the proposed closure. However there was concern about the closure of Evesham and that no one else would benefit from this service in future. Respondents questioned the costs related to running the building and whether this needed to be reviewed.

We did

A proposal to close Evesham house was put forward to Executive on 4th November 2014 This was agreed and the Action Homeless contract finished on 31st March 2014. All residents were able to move onto alternative accommodation some weeks before the end of the contract and received continued support from Action Homeless.


The council is proposing to change the service provided at Evesham House. Evesham House is a property owned by the city council.  It is an accommodation based service for single vulnerable people with substance misuse needs.

Why your views matter

The government is introducing changes to the benefit system that affects people across the country.  From 15th August 2013, the government is ‘capping’ the total amount of benefit anyone can claim. For a single person this will be £350 per week.

We have looked at the cost of living at Evesham House and it is a lot more than can be claimed through housing benefit.  The shortfall means that there will be a significant financial deficit to Leicester City Council.  As a result of this we need to look at more cost effective options for providing this service.

As Evesham House is owned by the city council it is not exempt from the new benefit cap.

We want to find out what people think about the following proposal for change:

“The council proposes to close Evesham House over the next few months and help the people who currently live there to move into different accommodation, which meets their individual need.”

Who are we asking?

We are inviting comments from the current residents of Evesham House, their families and friends, or other interested parties.


You can give your views on the proposal for change by:

  • Posting a comment on the council’s website using the on-line survey below (up to 5th September 2013)


  • Writing to the council at:

Substance Misuse Commissioning

Adult Social Care

Leicester City Council

A1, New Walk Centre

Leicester, LE1 6ZG


  • By phone: 0116 454 2382
  • By email:


  • Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields


  • Service users


  • Adult social care