Open Consultations/Surveys
Art gallery displays at Leicester Museum & Art Gallery
As part of the redevelopment of Leicester Museum and Art Gallery on New Walk, we will be redisplaying the ground floor art galleries, which will now incorporate the German Expressionism collection (currently displayed on the first floor). We are excited about this opportunity to showcase more of...
Closes 7 October 2024
Saint Saviours Road proposed traffic calming
Leicester City Council is proposing to introduce traffic calming on Saint Saviours Road in order to slow speeding traffic and improve safety for pedestrians, residents, businesses and motorists. There have been several reported instances of vehicles speeding on the approach to the...
Closes 18 October 2024
Proposed 20mph Zone - Brinsmead Road Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph, and install traffic calming measures, on the streets in and around the Brinsmead Road area.
Closes 21 October 2024
54 Westcotes Drive
Leicester City Council will be carrying out pavement improvement works on London Plane, adjacent to 54 Westcotes Drive. There is a tree located in the proposed work area which needs to be removed due to an established link between the tree and property damage. We are seeking...
Closes 21 October 2024
Proposed 20mph Zone - Rowlatts Hill Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph, and install traffic calming measures, on the streets in and around the Rowlatts Hill area.
Closes 28 October 2024
Closed Consultations/Surveys
Draft Air Quality Action Plan 2025 - 2030
Addressing poor air quality is crucial as poor air quality affects people’s health and damages the environment. Over the last Air Quality Action Plan period, Leicester City Council has made significant progress on improving air quality in Leicester. Since 2022, Leicester has been fully compliant...
Closed 27 September 2024
Victoria Road East
Leicester City Council will be carrying out work to remove 20 semi-mature trees including Cherries, Field Maples and Hawthorns. These trees make up a row of trees on Victoria Road East, near to the junction of Lewisher Road to the rear of an office unit at 16-20 High View Close. ...
Closed 20 September 2024
Camera Enforcement of Overdale Infant and Junior School Streets survey
School Streets transform roads outside schools by preventing unauthorised vehicles from accessing them at school start and finish times. This allocation of more space to children and families helps improve road safety, encourages healthier lifestyles, and reduces traffic congestion. The...
Closed 15 September 2024
Fosse Road South
Leicester City Council will be carrying out work to remove the Pear tree to the front of 106 Fosse Road South This tree is being removed due to an established link between the tree and property damage. The pruning of this tree is not a long-term option in this situation. In line with...
Closed 5 September 2024
Abbey Gate
Leicester City Council will be carrying out improvement works on Abbey Gate. The aim of the works is to complete an installation of a cycleway linking to the new cycling infrastructure on Woodgate/Northgate Street as well as footway and carriageway resurfacing. There is a tree...
Closed 29 August 2024
We Asked, You Said, We Did
Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes
We asked
We sought views on the removal of the trees on Victoria Road East which have been linked to property damage.
The trees need to be removed due to the damage that they are causing.
You said
There were no responses received via our online consultation.
We did
The decision has been made to remove the trees. The trees will be removed in October 2024.
As part of the council’s tree strategy, for every significant tree lost, there needs to be more than one replacement. Therefore, replacement trees will be replanted within the city in appropriate locations selected by the Trees and Woodlands team.
We asked
We sought views on the removal of a tree on Fosse Road South which has been linked to property damage. The tree needs to be removed due to the damage it is causing.
You said
There were two responses via the online consultation.
One respondent did not want the tree removed.
The second respondent had no objections to the tree being removed if the tree was replaced on a street nearby.
We did
We have reviewed the feedback and the decision has been made to remove the tree. The tree will be removed in October 2024.
As part of the tree strategy, for every significant tree lost, there needs to be more than one replacement. Therefore, two new trees will be replanted within the ward in appropriate locations selected by the Trees and Woodlands team.
We asked
We sought views on the proposal to remove a tree on Abbey Gate as part of the forthcoming improvement works.
The tree is located in the proposed work area which needs to be removed due to the proximity to the works meaning that it would be unlikely to survive if left in situ.
You said
One response was submitted to the online consultation, the responder was a Leicester resident.
The response referred to the proposed scheme in general rather than the felling of the tree.
We did
We reviewed this feedback and the decision has been made to remove the existing tree. The tree will be felled in October 2024.
As part of the tree strategy, for every tree lost, there needs to be two replacements. Therefore, two new trees will be planted close to the existing location with the species to be decided by the Trees and Woodlands team.