Domestic abuse and sexual violence services

Closed 31 Oct 2021

Opened 23 Jun 2021


We gather feedback on the services for domestic abuse and sexual violence in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

If you have been in contact with the local services via a helpline, website or through a group, a course or one-to-one support such as counselling or befriending at any time in the past 18 months, your feedback would be very helpful.

The services are all contracted with United Against Violence and Abuse (UAVA), but you might know them as specific charities, organisations or services such as:

  • Brooks House Refuge, or other refuges
  • Freeva
  • Jenkins Centre
  • Living Without Abuse (LWA)
  • United Against Violence & Abuse (UAVA)
  • Women's Aid Leicestershire Ltd (WALL)

We welcome feedback on all types of services. These include the local helpline, refuges, independent advisors (IDVAs and ISVAs) counselling, befriending, support groups and help for children and young people.

If you're not sure which service(s) you dealt with, that's not a problem, please tell us about your experience anyway. We can use any details you give us.

If you need this survey in a different format, please contact us.

Why your views matter

It is vital that we hear and learn from your experience, as it can help us improve services for others in similar situations. We want to learn from any mistakes and celebrate what is going well. All responses will be collated and used to inform our understanding of current local services and how to improve them.

This short survey should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.

What happens next

We will use feedback in this survey to inform our understanding of current services and how to improve them.


  • All Areas


  • Children and young people
  • Working-age people
  • Older people
  • All residents
  • Carers
  • Full-time and part-time workers
  • Disabled people
  • Gypsy and Traveller community
  • Local businesses
  • Local schools
  • Local charitable organisations, including faith communities
  • Households within the scheme boundary
  • School governors
  • Apprenticeship Hub Graduation attendees
  • Parents
  • Volunteers
  • Landowners
  • Taxi / private hire drivers
  • Women
  • Customers / service users
  • Personal assistants
  • Older households (65+)
  • Single people
  • Families with children
  • Couples
  • All households
  • Faith groups
  • Sports clubs
  • Youth clubs
  • Carers' network
  • Trade unions
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Community organisations
  • Self-help groups
  • User groups
  • Third sector infrastructure groups
  • All Voluntary and Community Organisations
  • Advocacy organisation
  • Drug and Alcohol services
  • Health services
  • Early years providers (child minders, nurseries, etc)
  • Taxi operators
  • Police
  • NHS
  • FE colleges
  • Universities
  • Schools
  • Businesses
  • All Public and Private Organisations
  • Service providers
  • Partner agencies
  • Directors
  • Heads of service
  • Managers, team leaders and supervisors
  • Professionals
  • All staff
  • SCE staff
  • Early Help staff
  • Children's services
  • Arts and museums staff
  • Children's, Young People and Families staff
  • Education welfare service staff
  • Youth offending service staff
  • Connexions staff
  • Local Authority staff within Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
  • Procurement staff
  • Estates and building services staff
  • Neighbourhood services staff
  • Youth service staff
  • Highways staff
  • Social care and education staff
  • Public Health
  • Housing staff
  • Relevant staff
  • Children and young people justice service volunteers
  • Personal assistants
  • Service users
  • Care home residents and their next of kin
  • Allotment holders
  • Walking groups
  • Support providers
  • Floating support providers
  • Landlords


  • Community safety