Pavement cafe licensing

Closed 1 Jan 2020

Opened 16 Dec 2019


The council's policy on pavement cafe licensing has not been reviewed for a number of years. The purpose of this consultation is to check that the policy still meets our requirements and takes account of any changes since the last review that might impact on the policy.

One aspect of the policy that is proposed for change is the requirement for all licences to expire annually on 31 May, regrdless of when they were granted. It is proposed to amend this so that all licences expire 12 months after they are granted

What happens next

After the consultation period has ended, officer will collate the responses and report to Members. The final decision on the new policy will be taken by the Executive.


  • All Areas


  • All residents
  • Full-time and part-time workers
  • Disabled people
  • Local businesses
  • All households
  • Trade unions
  • Police
  • Businesses
  • Partner agencies
  • Directors
  • Heads of service
  • Neighbourhood services staff
  • Highways staff
  • Public Health


  • Planning
  • Highways
  • Refuse collection and disposal
  • Environmental health
  • Neighbourhood services
  • City development and neighbourhoods
  • Local government
  • Transport
  • Parking
  • City centre
  • Business and enterprise
  • Tourism
  • Health & Safety