Taxi consultation - regarding vehicle age limits, the limit on the number of hackney carriages, and proposals to encourage more Ultra Low Emission Vehicles

Closed 31 Aug 2016

Opened 1 Aug 2016

Feedback updated 4 Jun 2018

We asked

156 vehicle licence holders responded, plus one organisation and 56 members of the public

You said

Eight year policy for vehicles: 98 licence holders disagreed, 20 members of the public disagreed
Removal of limit on number of hackney licences: 88 licence holders disagreed, 16 members of the public disagreed
Replacing existing taxis with ULEVs: the overall majority was for this to happen as and when vehicles are replaced

We did

Since August 2016 there have been discussions between officers, the Assistant City Mayor and others regarding the consultation and other matters. This has developed into an intention to produce a taxi strategy for Leicester, which will cover all matters relating to the taxi trade and will link to similar strategies (eg, for buses). The strategy will be subject to consultation as it progresses.


We are consulting on three issues:

  1. We are considering making changes to the current age policy for hackney carriages and private hire vehicles because we are concerned that many of the older vehicles are not being maintained to a suitable standard.
  2. We are looking at whether or not to remove the existing limit on the number of hackney carriage licences that the council issues. Removing the limit would bring us in line with Department of Transport guidance and enable us to introduce Ultra Low Emission Vehicles, which would also help improve air quality in Leicester.
  3. We are also considering whether all new hackney carriages should be ULEVs, which means that over time all existing vehicles would also need to be replaced by ULEVs

Why your views matter

We want to hear what the taxi trade and members of the public think about these important issues. To complete the survey please click on the link below.

What happens next

Once the consultation has closed we will anaylse the responses and present the results to the Assistant City Mayor, along with officers' recommendations. The Assistant City Mayor's decision will be made available on this website. Any changes that are made as a result of this consultation will be confirmed in writing to individual vehicle proprietors.


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