Statement of Licensing Policy

Closed 20 Oct 2021

Opened 6 Sep 2021


A Statement of Licensing Policy guides the licensing authority (in this case, Leicester City Council), applicants, licence holders, responsible authorities and objectors on matters covered by the Licensing Act 2003.

This policy is reviewed every five years. The last policy which was consulted on and approved covered 2016 to 2021. A review of this policy had been delayed due to the coronanvirus pandemic.

What is proposed / what has changed

The new draft policy has been revised to include legislative updates that have taken place since 2016. New sections have also been added to take into account factors such as the role of Public Health in the licensing regime (as a Responsible Authority) have also been added.

There is also a new section which advises applicants that the Responsible Authorities (Leicestershire Police, Licensing Enforcement, Public Health and the Noise Team) have additional concerns in areas of the city about anti-social behaviour connected with licensable activities.

This particularly relates to alcohol consumption and associated harms such as domestic violence and street drinking. This new section advises applicants/licence holders to give particular attention to these matters when completing their operating schedules, and to liaise with the Responsible Authorities before making an application.

The policy has also been reviewed in line with government guidance about the existing Cumulative Impact Zones in the Belvoir Street, Church Gate, Granby Street/London Road and Braunstone Gate areas. These are being reviewed to determine whether or not they should be retained, revised or removed.

Additionally, the new draft policy also highlights other council strategies and policies that applicants, licence holders, responsible authorities and objectors may wish to consider when making an application or making representation to an application. 


  • All Areas


  • All residents
  • Licensed premises
  • Businesses
  • Partner agencies


  • Public health
  • Community safety