Dovelands / Letchworth Road North 20mph zone

Closed 29 Sep 2019

Opened 2 Sep 2019

Feedback updated 15 Apr 2020

We asked

We asked "Should we apply a 20 mph speed limit in the area and install traffic calming features"

You said

250 responses were received by post from the Letchworth Road North area. Of these 80% were in favour of the speed limit reduction and 61% in favour of the traffic calming features.


230 responses were received by post from the Dovelands area. Of these 86% were in favour of the speed limit reduction and 63% in favour of the traffic calming features.

75 responses were received electronically on the council’s consultation website. Of these 81% expressed support for the proposals in both areas.

843 letters were sent to residents in the Letchworth Road north area giving a response rate of 29%. 741 letters were sent out to residents in the Dovelands area giving a response rate of 31%.The results show clear support for the 20 mph speed limit and traffic calming features.

We did

As a result of the support for the proposal, the City Mayor has approved the implementation of the scheme which is scheduled to come into force later in 2020 (subject to delays caused by Coronavirus).


Leicester City Council is proposing to introduce 20 mph zones in the area around Dovelands School, and also around Letchworth Road to the north of Glenfield Road.

This proposal will involve changing the speed limit to 20 mph and the installation of traffic calming features on streets that show higher vehicle speeds.

Download map showing streets affected by the proposed Dovelands 20mph zone.

Download map showing streets affected by the proposed Letchworth Road North 20mph zone.


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  • Schools
  • Highways
  • Environmental health
  • Cycling
  • Transport