Leicester's Drug Strategy Consultation

Closed 2 Jul 2023

Opened 5 Jun 2023


We would like to hear your views on the new Leicester Drug Strategy 2023-2027.

This strategy aims to improve prevention, treatment, recovery and harm-reduction whilst prioritising partnership in terms of the causes and consequence of drug use. It celebrates the successes we have already achieved, highlights the current work that is being performed whilst outlining the priorities for the next five years to improve the drug use outcomes for residents in Leicester.   All priorities for this strategy are taken from the Drugs and Alcohol Needs Assessment 2022 and aligned to the LLR Combating Drugs Partnership priorities.

Furthermore, this strategy aims to adapt and respond to the changing national and local context. In December 2021, the government published the ten-year drug strategy “From Harm to Hope” which sets out how this government will combat illegal drug use to cut crime and save lives. 

Have your say:

We want to hear from anybody impacted by drugs to help shape future services, including:
•  individuals that have experience of drug treatment and recovery services.
•  family and friends of individuals that have been impacted by drugs.
•  practitioners working with individuals that have a drug support need.

Please read the draft strategy and tell us your views by completing the survey. Following the end of the consultation, a report will be produced summarising the feedback received. This feedback will be used to help finalise the strategy.

Please click the link below to view and comment on the drug strategy document.


  • All Areas


  • Children and young people
  • Working-age people
  • Older people
  • All residents
  • Carers
  • Full-time and part-time workers
  • Disabled people
  • Gypsy and Traveller community
  • Local businesses
  • Local schools
  • Local charitable organisations, including faith communities
  • Households within the scheme boundary
  • School governors
  • Apprenticeship Hub Graduation attendees
  • Parents
  • Volunteers
  • Landowners
  • Taxi / private hire drivers
  • Women
  • Customers / service users
  • Personal assistants
  • Licensed premises
  • Landlords
  • Private tenants
  • Leicester City Council tenants
  • Visitors
  • Young people
  • Older households (65+)
  • Single people
  • Families with children
  • Couples
  • All households
  • Faith groups
  • Sports clubs
  • Youth clubs
  • Carers' network
  • Trade unions
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Community organisations
  • Self-help groups
  • User groups
  • Third sector infrastructure groups
  • All Voluntary and Community Organisations
  • Advocacy organisation
  • Drug and Alcohol services
  • Health services
  • Early years providers (child minders, nurseries, etc)
  • Taxi operators
  • Police
  • NHS
  • FE colleges
  • Universities
  • Schools
  • Businesses
  • All Public and Private Organisations
  • Service providers
  • Partner agencies
  • Directors
  • Heads of service
  • Managers, team leaders and supervisors
  • Professionals
  • All staff
  • SCE staff
  • Early Help staff
  • Children's services
  • Arts and museums staff
  • Children's, Young People and Families staff
  • Education welfare service staff
  • Youth offending service staff
  • Connexions staff
  • Local Authority staff within Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
  • Procurement staff
  • Estates and building services staff
  • Neighbourhood services staff
  • Youth service staff
  • Highways staff
  • Social care and education staff
  • Public Health
  • Housing staff
  • Relevant staff
  • Children and young people justice service volunteers
  • Personal assistants
  • Councillors
  • Workshop attendees
  • Service users
  • Care home residents and their next of kin
  • Allotment holders
  • Walking groups
  • Taxi / HCV / PHV drivers
  • Road users
  • Bus users
  • Support providers
  • Floating support providers
  • Landlords


  • Adult social care and safeguarding
  • Housing
  • Public health
  • Revenues and Benefits
  • Adult social care
  • Schools
  • Children's social care and safeguarding
  • Services for young people
  • Services for younger children and families
  • Education and children's services
  • Children, young people and families
  • Planning
  • Highways
  • Climate change
  • Parks and green spaces
  • Refuse collection and disposal
  • Environmental health
  • Allotments
  • Neighbourhood services
  • Arts and museums
  • Public participation
  • Sports
  • Community safety
  • Volunteering and the third sector
  • Community cohesion
  • City development and neighbourhoods
  • Libraries
  • Community centres
  • Adult learning
  • Local government
  • Festivals and events
  • Public transport
  • Cycling
  • Travel concessions
  • Transport
  • Parking
  • Walking
  • Taxis / private hire vehicles
  • Tackling worklessness
  • City centre
  • Business and enterprise
  • Tourism
  • Skills
  • Employment and skills
  • HR & Workforce Development
  • Health & Safety
  • Finance
  • Corporate resources
  • Registration Service
  • Equality
  • Cemeteries
  • Burial