Proposed changes to the disabled persons’ support service

Closed 3 Aug 2018

Opened 21 May 2018

Feedback updated 16 Jan 2019

We asked

The council consulted on a proposal to end the Disabled Persons’ Support Service. This is because the Care Act 2014 requires ASC to engage directly with service users and to involve them in the development of services, which the current contract does not deliver.

The proposal was to end the Disabled Persons Support Service and to replace it with a new Service User Participation Service.

The rationale for the proposal is that the Service User Participation service will be a better model as it will enable disabled people to participate directly rather than through intermediaries.

In addition, infrastructure support for disability groups is available from Voluntary Action Leicestershire; and Healthwatch also enables disabled people to have a voice in health and social care services.

You said

Only seven people responded to the consultation, and only three of those provided comments. Points raised in the consultation covered concerns that disabled people might lose out on support, and concern that Voluntary Action LeicesterShire may not be able to support disability organisations.

We did

The council has decided to end to the Disabled Persons Support Service and to replace it with a new Service User Participation Service which will be procured in 2019. The new service will support disabled people to get involved directly in shaping adult social care services.

As part of the new service, the ‘We Think’ and ‘Bright Lights’ groups for people with a learning disability, will continue to have support to feed in their views.

In addition, the council continues to fund Voluntary Action Leicestershire to provide infrastructure support to disability groups (and others) in the city; and continue to fund Healthwatch which enables disabled people (and others) to have a voice in local health and social care services.


Adult Social Care (ASC) currently contracts with the Leicestershire Centre for Integrated Living (LCIL). ASC has carried out a review of the service to look at options for the future.
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on proposals for the future of this funding.   

What happens next

Following the end of the consultation period, we will provide feedback on the findings here.


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