Proposed changes to support for carers
Feedback updated 16 Jan 2019
We asked
We consulted on a proposal to commission a single carers’ support service. The service would support carers from a range of backgrounds. It would also support carers who have a diverse range of caring roles, and those who look after people with a wide range of needs, such as physical disability, learning disability, mental health needs and so on.
This arrangement would replace the current system of having several specific contracts.
You said
We did
The council will procure a single Carers’ Support service during 2019. Care Act advocacy support for carers will be included in new advocacy services to be procured in 2019.
Adult carers are entitled to an assessment if they appear to have a need for support. If the assessment finds that they are eligible, the council will support them to seek to meet their needs.
However, the council also commissions (buys) services for carers, regardless of whether they are eligible for support, to help them to maintain their health and wellbeing.
The current contracts for this support are due to end in March 2019. Adult Social Care is reviewing the service before re-procurement, and would like to hear views on the proposed approach for the future.
Why your views matter
The council wants to do as much as it can to prevent people in Leicester from developing social care needs. This means trying to help people stay independent and in good health, both physically and mentally.
The council’s Adult Social Care department funds several prevention services that are provided by the voluntary sector. Many of these services are aimed at people who are not necessarily eligible for statutory social care services, but who could avoid or delay developing needs if provided with the right kind of support.
However, Adult Social Care now has to make some very difficult decisions about future funding. This is because of the rising cost of providing adult social care, caused by rising needs and the wider financial pressures on the council as a result of large reductions in funding from central government.
We cannot carry on spending at the same levels on these services because we have to find the resources to pay for rising needs and costs of people who have significant needs. We have to fulfil our legal obligations to ensure that those people get the statutory support they need.
As a result, Adult Social Care is undertaking a review of a number of services they purchase from the voluntary sector. This review is intended to focus our spend on those with the highest risk of developing social care needs and achieve the savings that are needed.
One of the services included in the review is Support for Carers.
What happens next
We will provide feedback on the findings here. It is intended that final decisions will be made in August 2018.
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