School admission arrangements 2026/27
Leicester City Council is responsible for setting the admission arrangements for all its mainstream community and voluntary controlled schools. When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, Leicester City Council as admissions authority, must consult on their admission arrangements that will apply for admission applications the following school year.
We are considering making the following change to the current arrangements, to take effect from the start of the 2026/27 academic year:
• An update to the definition of what is considered to be 'home/permanent address' for the purpose of the oversubscription criteria.
Why your views matter
We would like your views on:
- Whether you support or oppose the proposed change within the definition of 'home/permanent address'.
- Any comments you may have to explain why you support or oppose the proposed change.
Background information
School places are allocated against the published admission criteria for each school. Where a school receives fewer preferences than there are places available, all applicants will be offered a place. Where a school receives more applications than there are places available, the oversubscription criteria are applied.
Within each criterion priority is given to children living closest to the school, as measured on a straight-line basis using a geographical information system measuring from the Geo-code reference point from the child’s home address to the Geo-code reference point for the school.
We are proposing changes to a definition of 'home/permanent address' to provide clarity.
The revised procedures are set out in the following documents below:
1. Annex 3: Definition 3 of the attached document Appendix 1: Proposed Leicester scheme for the admission arrangements for pupils to schools 2026-27
2. Oversubscription criteria: Note 4 of the attached document Appendix 2: Proposed admissions arrangements for first time admission to infant and primary school 2026-27
3. Oversubscription criteria: Note 5 of the attached document Appendix 3: Proposed admissions arrangements for first time admission to junior school 2026-27
4. Oversubscription criteria: Note 4 of the attached document Appendix 4: Proposed admissions arrangements for first time admission to secondary school 2026-27
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