School term dates

Closed 16 Sep 2018

Opened 25 Jun 2018

Feedback updated 11 Jan 2019

We asked

We asked whether you wanted us to align our term dates with those set by Leicestershire County Council, or whether you preferred us to set different dates with half terms of equal length.

You said

You said that you preferred term dates to be aligned with the county council. 4,099 responses were received, with around 80% supporting the city council having the same holiday dates as the county council.

We did

We did decide to align our term dates with those set by the county council for the academic years 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.


Leicester City Council is consulting on future school term and holiday dates and we would like to know your views.

Term dates for Leicester city schools in the 2019/2020 academic year have already been published. These were set following a public consultation exercise, in which respondents voted by a 3 to 1 majority to support the pattern that has been adopted.

The date pattern was designed to create half terms of equal length wherever feasible, to ensure that pupils and school staff did not have to work for excessive periods without appropriate holidays.

However, Leicestershire County Council has recently decided to set dates for their schools that differ from those already set for city schools. The pattern they have decided upon has Autumn half terms of 32 and 45 days respectively.

As a matter of principle, Leicester City Council would not normally support half terms that require pupils and staff to work for nine weeks without a break.

However, we also recognise the genuine difficulties caused to parents and pupils when city and county schools have different term and holiday dates.

As a result, we would like your views on whether or not we should change the dates in the city to match those set by Leicestershire County Council for 2019/20.

We are also seeking your views on whether we should also follow the date patterns set by Leicestershire County Council for the 2020/21 and 2021/22 academic years, or whether we should set dates that split the half terms more equally where possible.


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