Stoneygate Parking Scheme

Closed 16 Apr 2017

Opened 6 Mar 2017

Results updated 26 Jan 2018

The engagement exercise was undertaken to help establish if there was a reasonable level of demand within the area for extension of the residents’ parking schemes already in place in the Highfields area of Stoneygate Ward and, if so, to establish the extent of the area of streets to be included in any formal proposals developed for public consultation.
The existing Highfields South residents’ parking scheme is shown in yellow on the attached plan. Our target area was the terraced streets directly to the east of the existing Highfields scheme, (shown in green on the attached plan) where on street parking is in high demand and there were concerns of displacement parking from Highfields.

However, we also wanted to gauge views from adjacent areas as well to make sure we understood the overall picture and appetite for residents parking across the ward and into Spinney Hills (red areas on the plan overleaf).

For the engagement exercise, over 5,900 properties in the red and green areas were leafletted in March and invited to give us their views on whether they wanted residents’ parking in their street. 506 people responded, a response rate of 9%. Overall, 79% of those who responded were against residents’ parking.
Within the core (green) area initially identified as being the primary target for additional residents’ parking, 1,796 properties were leafletted and 176 responded, a response rate of 10%.

Overall, 60% of those who responded in the target area were against residents’ parking.

Given the low level of response to the engagement exercise and to ensure we had provided every opportunity for residents in the target area in particular to give us their views, we arranged a further engagement session at the MKA Centre on 17 August and leafletted the core area again inviting people to attend the meeting. On the day, we only had 22 people attend the drop-in session. From an assessment of the 15 comment sheets filled in, we found that seven were against residents’ parking, four were for, and four couldn’t decide.
From both the original engagement in March and the more recent drop-in session, the information gathered suggests there is no substantive evidence of wide-scale majority support (i.e. 51% or more) for residents’ parking in either the target area or the wider ward.

As there does not appear to be the demand within the community for a residents’ parking scheme to be taken forward, we will not be taking any further action to develop proposals at this time. However, there may be opportunities to re-visit this matter at a later date if this situation changes.


People living in Stoneygate and parts of Spinney Hills are being asked whether they’d like a residents-only parking scheme to be introduced in their area.

Residents and businesses are being asked for their opinions on whether such a scheme should be brought in, and if so what areas should be included.

There is currently no proposed scheme for the area, but the city council has agreed to draw up plans to extend the existing Highfields scheme into parts of Stoneygate and Spinney Hills if there is significant local support for measures to be brought in.

A formal consultation will take place if there is sufficient support for a scheme.



  • Spinney Hills
  • Stoneygate


  • All residents
  • Local businesses


  • Transport
  • Parking