Strategic Growth Plan

Closed 10 May 2018

Opened 11 Jan 2018


A draft Strategic Growth Plan is being developed by a partnership formed by Leicester City and Leicestershire County councils, the seven local borough and district authorities and the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP).
It puts forward proposals for the new housing and transport improvements that would be needed to attract jobs and investment to Leicester and Leicestershire from now until 2050.
The final version of the plan will provide strategic direction and help shape the Local Plans that the city, borough and district councils are or will be preparing or reviewing.
It will also be used to support bids for government funding to deliver the infrastructure needed to support growth.


  • All Areas


  • All residents
  • All households


  • Housing
  • Planning
  • Highways
  • Local government
  • Transport
  • Business and enterprise
  • Employment and skills