Young People Participation

Closed 30 Aug 2020

Opened 13 Jul 2020

Feedback updated 16 Oct 2020

We asked

We asked for your views on our draft  ‘Social Care and Education Participation Approach’ which outlines the department’s commitment to creating opportunities for children and young people to share their views on matters affecting them and details how this should be approach.

The approach is framed on the Lundy Model to ensure that children and young people recognise their rights and that their voices are heard.

You said

A total of 62 surveys were completed and returned: 69% respondents identified as professionals, 24% identified as young people and 7% as other. 

15 young people completed the online survey. Of those, just over half suggested they had participated in decision making before and all but one of the young people felt that opportunities to participate are important. All the young people who responded felt the approach would provide more participation opportunities.

Young people reported that the approach document seemed effective and versatile and commented on the clear layout and colourful readability of the document. They also noted that the approach is inspiring and that it would encourage young people to make decisions. 
Three professionals who do not work with children and 40 professionals who do work with children completed the survey. All who answered felt that the approach makes sense and is clear and the majority (95%) thought that the approach helped them to understand what a good participation opportunity looks like. Professionals noted that the approach is young person centred and has clear and concise language.

People also appreciated the use of symbols throughout the document. The feedback received indicated that it was useful to have a framework and to look at different levels of participation.
91% of professionals agreed that they could apply the Lundy model to their work with young people and over three quarters suggested they would use the template provided. Those who didn’t indicated this is due to the amount of time required to fill it in, the fact that they already use other forms or that their role wouldn’t necessitate it.

100% of the professionals recognised that opportunities to participate are important and they also all noted that they understood their duty to support participation under Article 12.
Just 7% of respondents self-identified as neither a young person nor a professional. This included one person who is a member of the public, one person who is a care leaver and another who is an admin worker working in children’s centres. They commented that the approach is interesting and but identified some concerns that there is not enough money or staff capacity to support the true participation. One person suggested that consideration needed to be given to how to engage with young people in ethnic minority communities. 

We did

We amended the approach document to include direct quotes from people who responded to the consultation and introduced it as our formal approach. Training is supporting the roll out of the approach to staff.

Results updated 15 Oct 2020



Leicester City Council has produced Social Care and Education Participation Approach, a draft strategy which looks at how we can provide young people with unique opportunities to participate in decision making and service development processes.

We would like to hear views on the draft strategy and how it can be improved or amended to further increase increase participation opportunies for young people.


  • All Areas


  • Children and young people
  • All residents
  • Carers
  • Local schools
  • Parents
  • SCE staff


  • Schools
  • Children's social care and safeguarding
  • Services for young people
  • Public participation
  • Corporate resources