Smile Awards nomination form

Closed 29 Apr 2022

Opened 28 Mar 2022


The Smile Awards have been set up to celebrate people and organisations who have helped improve oral health in Leicester through creative and innovative projects and practices. There are six nomination categories:

  • Above and Beyond Award - an individual who has shown a particular enthusiasm, passion and dedication to improving oral health in their setting or local community.
  • Community Champion Award (Adults) - an individual or group working or volunteering in Leicester who have worked hard to improve the oral health of adults in the community they work in.
  • Community Champion Award (Children) - an individual or group working or volunteering in Leicester who have worked hard to improve the oral health of children in the community they work in.
  • Dental Practice Award - a Leicester dental practice that has gone above and beyond the call of duty to improve the oral health of its patients and the local community.
  • Early Years Award - an early years setting (nursery, children’s centre, etc) that's passionate about improving the health of the children, and which has worked hard to support children and their parents to maintain good oral health.
  • School Award - a Leicester school that has put special effort into prioritising improving oral health in their school.


  • All Areas


  • All residents
  • Local schools


  • Public health