20mph zone - Thurnby Lodge School Area

Closed 23 Sep 2019

Opened 31 Aug 2019

Results expected 11 Nov 2019

Feedback expected 17 Jan 2020


Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets surrounding Thurnby Lodge School.  To help reduce speeds, improve safety and discourage through traffic, we are proposing to install traffic calming on Elmcroft Avenue, Ocean Road, Dudley Avenue and Dakyn Road.

Why your views matter

The Transport Strategy Section is now consulting residents and other interested parties for their views on the proposed changes.  This consultation will be the basis on which the City Mayor will make his decision on whether to implement the scheme or not.


  • Thurncourt


  • All residents
  • Local schools
  • Schools


  • Public health
  • Highways
  • Climate change
  • Community safety
  • Transport