Substance misuse services

Closed 29 Dec 2014

Opened 4 Nov 2014

Feedback updated 19 Mar 2015

We asked

An 8-week consultation over November to December 2014 focusing mainly on how services might be configured across commissioning and local authority boundaries, but without specific proposals. The questions were about having one contract, about one service for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, about keeping specialist substance misuse services in H.M.P Leicester as part of community based substance misuse services, and about a specialised service for 18-24 year olds. There were also two open ended questions about how services could best meet the needs of Leicester’s diverse communities and respond to novel psychoactive services (NPS)/legal highs. The background to this includes the current spending review, possible change to commissioning intentions from partners in Leicestershire/Rutland and NHS England ( for work in Leicester Prison). The outcome of this consultation would not directly lead to any decision on these matters but would help our planning for and understanding of substance misuse issues.

You said

In total 115 individual questionnaire responses were received .The Prison question received most support: 72% of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed. Support for 2 other organisational issues areas-one contract for all services and a Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) organised service-was less clear. Although more respondents were in favour of an LLR service than not (49% to 37%) there was no majority in agreement. This was more so the case for the one contract question where 52% either disagreed or strongly disagreed, yet there was a sizeable minority in favour-42%. Overall there was agreement for a specialised service for 18-24 year olds. A range of comments were also made in response to questions around diversity and NPS.

We did

No decision has yet been made about the future shape of substance misuse services in Leicester. The responses and comments from the consultation have been analysed and will help us develop a model which will be subject to consultation over the summer. The consultation findings will also help us in discussion with Leicestershire and Rutland Councils and NHS England. Further work on the development of commissioning plans and options includes: -Engagement and discussion with key stakeholders such as users, carers and staff around the findings of the consultation and needs analysis. -Further analysis of local need and trends around drug and alcohol use -Analysis of what the market has to offer both locally and nationally. -Further consultation over May/June on specific proposals.

Results updated 19 Mar 2015



We are consulting about the future arrangements for substance misuse services in Leicester. These services provide specialist help to people with drug and alcohol problems including psycho social support and medical interventions.

There are currently four different services in Leicester:

  • one for young people (under 18)
  • one which specifically provides housing-related support
  • two for adults (including one for people in the criminal justice system which serves Leicester Prison and the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland region).


Why your views matter

Contracts relating to substance misuse services are due to finish in June 2016. There will also be future budgetary pressures and changes in the way services are commissioned. In order to have the right services in place by then, we would like to hear your views and comments on substance misuse services. We plan to carry out a further consultation in summer 2015 which will provide more detailed proposals based on feedback from this consultation.

What is being asked?

There are six areas we are interested in hearing views on and we have included specific questions. Three questions are about how the services are organised and the remaining three about specific areas of need. We would also like to hear any other thoughts you may have on the organisation of substance misuse services.

The specific areas are:

  • Having one service in Leicester
  • Organising all services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland as one service
  • Keeping services in HMP Leicester as part of the overall service
  • Having a designated young adults service as part of an adult service
  • New and emerging drugs
  • Meeting the needs of Leicester’s diverse population.


What other information is relevant to this consultation?

There is uncertainty about future funding for substance misuse services:

  • The city council is undertaking a spending review in response to reductions on our budget and is exploring whether £1m could be saved from the overall substance misuse budget of £8.3m.
  • Leicestershire and Rutland councils may choose to commission their services separately from the city in July 2016
  • NHS England (which holds the budget for prison services) may commission services as part of general health services in prison - and not as specialist substance misuse services.



  • Abbey
  • Aylestone
  • Beaumont Leys
  • Belgrave
  • Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields
  • Castle
  • Evington
  • Eyres Monsell
  • Fosse
  • Humberstone & Hamilton
  • Knighton
  • Rushey Mead
  • Saffron
  • Spinney Hills
  • Stoneygate
  • Thurncourt
  • Westcotes


  • Carers
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Community organisations
  • Drug and Alcohol services
  • Health services
  • Service users


  • Adult social care