Council tax empty homes premium

Closed 14 Oct 2018

Opened 17 Sep 2018

Feedback updated 22 Jan 2019

We asked

We asked for views on new powers that would allow the council to increase premiums for properties that have been empty and unfurnished for two years or more from April 2019.

You said

  • 84 responses were received, 63 of whom were also residents of Leicester.
  • A majority of respondents (60%) supported introducing one or more of the premiums outlined. 39% supported no change.
  • 44% of respondents said the changes would have no or little impact on them personally, 26% said they would impact financially but this was justified, and 30% would be financially impacted and felt this was unjustified.
  • 71% of respondents felt there should be some exemptions, although there was no agreement as to who these should apply to.

We did

The consultation feedback was presented to full council on 15 November 2018. A decision was made to adopt the proposed premiums of 100% for homes empty for more than two years in 2019/20, and to approve in principle adopting further premiums for homes left empty for five and ten years in 2020/21 and 2021/22.

The council decided to adopt the government recommended exemptions for occupants serving in the Armed Forces and self-contained annex properties.

Results updated 22 Jan 2019



There are about 350 empty homes in Leicester. Leicester City Council wants to bring empty homes back into use and for many years has worked with homeowners to help them achieve this.

Long term empty properties are those which have been empty for at least two years. The government is expected to grant councils new powers to increase council tax on homes that have been empty for a long period of time. Properties empty for less than two years are unaffected by the proposals in the consultation. The amount depends on whether the property has been empty for two, five or 10 years.

Cuts in government funding also mean that the council has to raise additional revenue and make substantial savings. We could raise money by increasing the amount of council tax payable on properties that have been empty for two or more years.

This consultation asks whether you think we should change our current scheme.

You can give your views from 17 September until 14 October 2018.

How to have your say
The questionnaire is available here online. There is also an attachment below which you can print off and return to us.


  • All Areas


  • All residents
  • Local businesses
  • Local charitable organisations, including faith communities
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Community organisations
  • Landlords


  • Housing
  • Revenues and Benefits
  • City development and neighbourhoods
  • Local government
  • Business and enterprise