Public Spaces Protection Order for Dog Control

Closed 11 Aug 2019

Opened 15 Jul 2019

Feedback updated 10 Sep 2019

We asked

We consulted on our proposal to apply a three year extension to existing Public Spaces Protection Orders in relation to three elements of dog control in the city from 1 December 2019 - 2022.

  1. Dog fouling
  2. Dogs on leads
  3. Dog exclusion areas.

We asked the public and stakeholders if they were opposed to the proposal and provided an opportunity to leave feedback.

You said

Summary of consultation responses:

Do you have any objections to this Public Space Protection Order for Dog Control being extended for a further three years? - Objection Fouling

Yes - 8

No - 55


Do you have any objections to this Public Space Protection Order for Dog Control being extended for a further three years? - Objection dogs on leads

Yes – 10

No - 53


Do you have any objections to this Public Space Protection Order for Dog Control being extended for a further three years? - Objection Dog Exclusion

Yes - 13

No - 50


A total of 90.4% of all responses were from public and 9.6% from stakeholders.

We did

Based on the consultation results and the evidence of need held by Leicester City Council on customer reports and complaints of dog control issues and enforcement action undertaken since the implementation of the PSPO orders for Dog Control on 1 December 2016, we propose to seek approval from the City Mayor to extend the PSPO Orders for a further three years.


Leicester City Council's currently operates three Public Spaces Protection Orders for Dog Control across the city:

  • Fouling
  • Exclusion
  • Dogs on leads

These grant the council legal powers to take enforcement action in relation to any dog control issues that may occur. The current powers are valid for three years, and are due to expire on 1 December 2019.

We are asking key stakeholders and members of the public for their views on our plans to extend the current Public Spaces Protection Orders for Dog Control for a further three years.


  • All Areas


  • All residents
  • Local businesses


  • Parks and green spaces
  • Environmental health