Open Consultations/Surveys

7 results

  • Apprenticeship Graduation 2024

    This year's Apprenticeship Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday 21 June at De Montfort Hall. If you've been a participant in the event, please give us your feedback. Your feedback will help us make the day even better for next year's graduates and their guests. This quick questionnaire should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. More
    Closes 28 July 2024
  • Gambling Act Statement of Policy

    The current policy is due to expire in January 2025 so we are consulting on a replacement policy that will be in effect until January 2028. Minor amendments have been made to ensure the policy remains up to date and reflects current guidance from the Gambling Commission. A section has been added – Section 6 ‘Public Health and Gambling in Leicester’ which refers to the ‘Gambling Harms Needs Assessment’ that has been conducted in Leicester by the Leicester City Council Public... More
    Closes 18 August 2024
  • Braunstone Village Conservation Character Appraisal & Management Plan Survey

    Leicester City Council is conducting a review of the Braunstone Village Conservation Area and has produced draft Character Appraisal and Management Plan documents to help define the character of the area and guide future developments. As part of the review, it is proposed to introduce stricter planning controls on the 4 properties in the area, which are not Grade II listed, through the introduction of an Article 4 Direction. We are now seeking comments on these proposals. A... More
    Closes 19 August 2024
  • Camera Enforcement of Overdale Infant and Junior School Streets survey

    School Streets transform roads outside schools by preventing unauthorised vehicles from accessing them at school start and finish times. This allocation of more space to children and families helps improve road safety, encourages healthier lifestyles, and reduces traffic congestion. The School Street on Northfold Road and Eastcourt Road has been in force since February 2022, and was made permanent in August 2023. The School Street currently operates as a ‘Courtesy Only’ School... More
    Closes 15 September 2024
  • Self-Build and Custom Build Register

    The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016 made under the 2015 Act came into force on 1 April 2016. The Regulations place a duty on the council to keep a register of individuals/associations of individuals who wish to acquire serviced plots of land to bring forward self-build and custom house building projects. What is self-build and custom build? Self-build housing usually means that you are directly involved in organising the design and construction of your... More
    Closes 31 December 2024
  • Planning policy - call for sites

    The city council is asking interested parties to suggest sites which could help meet the city’s need for new homes and jobs as well as other land uses. The details submitted under this 'Call for Sites' will be assessed by the council for inclusion in the Leicester’s Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment. Ultimately, sites may be considered for inclusion in the Brownfield Land register and / or the next consultation draft of Leicester’s Local Plan. Please... More
    Closes 31 December 2024
  • Domestic abuse and sexual violence services

    We gather feedback on the services for domestic abuse and sexual violence in Leicester. If you have been in contact with any of the local services at any time in the past 24 months, your feedback would be very helpful. We welcome feedback on all types of services. These include the local helpline, refuges, independent advisors (IDVAs and ISVAs) counselling, befriending, support groups and help for children and young people. If you're not sure which service(s) you dealt with,... More
    Closes 31 March 2025
7 results. Page 1 of 1