Local Industrial Strategy - Call for Evidence

Closed 8 Feb 2019

Opened 6 Dec 2018


To develop a Local Industrial Strategy for Leicester and Leicestershire, the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) is issuing a public Call for Evidence.

What is the purpose of the Call for Evidence?

To prepare our Local Industrial Strategy, we first need to develop a robust and up-to-date evidence base to identify the strengths and challenges within our local economy.

We will then use the information contained within the evidence base to formulate a series of future strategic priorities for inclusion within the Local Industrial Strategy.

The purpose of this Call for Evidence is enable stakeholders to submit information they think should be included within the evidence base and should be taken into consideration during the preparation of the Local Industrial Strategy’s emerging priorities.

Who should respond to the Call for Evidence?

Our Call for Evidence is open to submissions from all local economic development stakeholders in the public, private and voluntary sectors with an interest in the Local Industrial Strategy.

We would particularly welcome submissions from Leicester and Leicestershire businesses with specialist industry knowledge.

We would also welcome responses from stakeholders located outside of the LLEP area where they are able to provide relevant information specifically relating to the Leicester and Leicestershire economy.

How is the Call for Evidence structured?

The Call for Evidence consists of ten questions based around the five Foundations of Productivity and four Grand Challenges included within the national Industrial Strategy.

A copy of the national Industrial Strategy can be downloaded at the bottom of this page below along with our Local Industrial Strategy Prospectus.

The ten questions can also be downloaded separately at the bottom of this page as a PDF to help you prepare your answers.

You are welcome to respond to as many or as few of the questions as you feel you are able to.

We would also like you to upload relevant sources of supporting information with your answers to help us build our evidence base.

What information should I submit?

The information we are seeking may consist of, but is not limited to, the following types:

  • Data sets
  • Research papers
  • Surveys
  • Reviews
  • Strategies

Our evidence base will need to be robust and will be subject to external scrutiny. We are therefore looking for you to submit information that is accurate, up-to-date and verifiable.

What is the deadline for responding to the Call for Evidence?

Our Call for Evidence will remain open to submissions until 31 January 2019.


  • All Areas


  • Businesses
  • Partner agencies


  • Business and enterprise