Planning policy - call for sites

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Closes 31 Dec 2025

About you

The information you provide will be used to help prepare the new Local Plan and other evidence base documents, and will be shared with other employees or agencies (such as the Planning Inspectorate) who may be involved with the process, under the current data protection regulations.

Please note that local authorities are obliged to make the Call for Sites submissions available for public inspection. This means that, with the exception of telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures, your comments and name / organisation that you provide will be publicly available. We therefore encourage you to avoid providing sensitive information that you do not wish it to be published.

Are you...? (please tick all that apply)
What is your postcode?

Please note: we collect postcode data to gain a better understanding of which parts of the city / county respond to our consultations. We cannot identify individual properties or addresses from this information.

Details of person submitting this site for potential development
Agent's details (if applicable)
Are you (or your client) the owner of the site?