Featured Consultations/Surveys
School admission arrangements 2026/27
Leicester City Council is responsible for setting the admission arrangements for all its mainstream community and voluntary controlled schools. When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, Leicester City Council as admissions authority, must consult on their admission arrangements that will apply for admission applications the following school year. We are considering making the following change to the current arrangements, to take effect from the start of the 2026/27 academic...
Closes 31 January 2025
Open Consultations/Surveys
School admission arrangements 2026/27
Leicester City Council is responsible for setting the admission arrangements for all its mainstream community and voluntary controlled schools. When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, Leicester City Council as admissions authority, must consult on their admission arrangements that will...
Closes 31 January 2025
Domestic abuse and sexual violence services
We gather feedback on the services for domestic abuse and sexual violence in Leicester. If you have been in contact with any of the local services at any time in the past 24 months, your feedback would be very helpful. We welcome feedback on all types of services. These include the local...
Closes 31 March 2025
Forthcoming Consultations/Surveys
Proposed 20mph Zone - Hawkins Road Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on the following roads:- Hawkins Road, Old Saffron Lane, Pentland Close and Maris Lane.
Opens 9 January 2025
Closed Consultations/Surveys
Proposed 20mph Zone - Home Farm Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets in
Closed 6 January 2025
Post-16 education transport for young people with SEND
Like other authorities across the country, the council is facing very significant financial pressures. The council’s budget is in crisis due to years of government austerity, rising costs of adult social care, more children being looked after by the council and an increase in homeless...
Closed 2 January 2025
Self-Build and Custom Build Register
The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016 made under the 2015 Act came into force on 1 April 2016. The Regulations place a duty on the council to keep a register of individuals/associations of individuals who wish to acquire serviced plots of land to bring forward...
Closed 31 December 2024
Planning policy - call for sites
The city council is asking interested parties to suggest sites which could help meet the city’s need for new homes and jobs as well as other land uses. The details submitted under this 'Call for Sites' will be assessed by the council for inclusion in the Leicester’s Housing and Economic Land...
Closed 31 December 2024
Suicide Prevention Strategy
The Draft Suicide Prevention Strategy 2024-2029 for Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland (LLR) presents a community plan to lower suicide rates over the next five years. Based on data, proven practices, and advice from experts and community members, the strategy highlights that suicide prevention...
Closed 22 December 2024
We Asked, You Said, We Did
Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes
We asked
We sought views on the removal of two Birch trees on Alexandra Road. The trees need to be removed due to an established link to property damage that they have been causing.
You said
There were six responses via the online consultation and 1 responce made directly to the Trees and Woodlands team.
Four of the respondents did not want to see the tree removed, with reasons given such as loss of amenity, loss of environmental benefits and a concern surrounding the replacement trees not being planted in the same location.
Two responses supported the tree removals as long as there were replacements within the city.
We did
We have reviewed the feedback and the decision has been made to remove the trees as there are directly linked to ongoing property damage which is an actionable nuisance in law. This decision was carefully considered and, in this case, there is no alternative solution other than to remove the trees. This decision is in line with the councils tree strategy and policy.
As part of the tree strategy, there needs to be more than one replacement tree for every significant tree lost. Therefore, new trees will be replanted within the ward if appropriate locations are available. If there are no suitable locations within the ward, the replacement planting will take place in other wards within the city.
We asked
We sought views on the removal of a tree to the front of 226 Abbey Lane. The tree were to be removed due to an established link to property damage it is causing.
You said
There were three responses via the online consultation and 1 response was made directly to the Trees and Woodlands team.
Two of the respondents did not want to see the tree removed, with reasons given such as loss of amenity and loss of environmental benefits.
One of the respondents supported the council’s decision to remove the tree but rasied concerns about not replanting at the same location.
One respondent left no comments.
We did
We have reviewed the feedback and the decision has been made to remove the tree as it is directly linked to ongoing property damage which is an actionable nuisance in law. This decision carefully considered the concerns raised, however, in this case there is no alternative solution other than to remove the tree. This decision is in line with the councils tree strategy and policy.
As part of the tree strategy, there needs to be more than one replacement for every significant tree lost. Therefore, new trees will be replanted within the ward if appropriate locations are available. If there are no suitable locations within the ward the replacement planting will take place at other wards within the city.
We asked
We sought views on the removal of two trees on Norman Street. The trees were to be removed due to an established link to property damage that they are causing. he Environmental Act 2021 requires us to consult with members of the public before felling any tree on an urban road (a street tree).
You said
There was one objection to the consultation who did not want the tree to be removed.
We did
We have reviewed the feedback and the decision has been made to remove the tree as it is directly linked to ongoing property damage which is an actionable nuisance in law. This decision carefully considered the concerns raised, however, in this case there is no alternative solution other than to remove the tree. This decision is in line with the councils tree strategy and policy.
As part of the tree strategy, there needs to be more than one replacement for every significant tree lost. Therefore, new trees will be replanted within the ward if appropriate locations are available. If there are no suitable locations within the ward the replacement planting will take place at other wards within the city.