Featured Consultations/Surveys
Pharmaceutical needs assessment
Have your say on the provision of pharmacies and pharmacy services in Leicester.
Closes 4 April 2025
Open Consultations/Surveys
Domestic abuse and sexual violence services
We gather feedback on the services for domestic abuse and sexual violence in Leicester. If you have been in contact with any of the local services at any time in the past 24 months, your feedback would be very helpful. We welcome feedback on all types of services. These include the local...
Closes 31 March 2025
Pharmaceutical needs assessment
Have your say on the provision of pharmacies and pharmacy services in Leicester.
Closes 4 April 2025
Self-Build and Custom Build Register
The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016 made under the 2015 Act came into force on 1 April 2016. The Regulations place a duty on the council to keep a register of individuals/associations of individuals who wish to acquire serviced plots of land to bring forward...
Closes 31 December 2025
Planning policy - call for sites
The city council is asking interested parties to suggest sites which could help meet the city’s need for new homes and jobs as well as other land uses. The details submitted under this 'Call for Sites' will be assessed by the council for inclusion in the Leicester’s Housing and Economic Land...
Closes 31 December 2025
Closed Consultations/Surveys
Doncaster Road resident parking
In 2019, Leicester City Council worked closely with Belgrave Ward Councillors to introduce a one-way system and other traffic features to prevent anti-social parking on Doncaster Road, Down Street and Halkin Street. Despite this, a number of parking difficulties have continued in the area....
Closed 3 March 2025
Knighton Drive road closure amendments
Leicester City Council is seeking your feedback on proposals to make the temporary closure of Knighton Drive permanent and replacing the planters on Newstead Road with wider footways. As part of an ongoing effort to improve safety and reduce traffic-related issues in the area, the temporary closure...
Closed 28 February 2025
Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)
Leicester City Council has the powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to create Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs). PSPOs are intended to deal with nuisances or problems in an area that is detrimental to the local community’s quality of life. The...
Closed 17 February 2025
Proposed 20mph Zone - Hawkins Road Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on the following roads:- Hawkins Road, Old Saffron Lane, Pentland Close and Maris Lane.
Closed 3 February 2025
School admission arrangements 2026/27
Leicester City Council is responsible for setting the admission arrangements for all its mainstream community and voluntary controlled schools. When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, Leicester City Council as admissions authority, must consult on their admission arrangements that will...
Closed 31 January 2025
We Asked, You Said, We Did
Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes
We asked
We sought views on a proposal to remove the one-month full discount, when empty and unfurnished properties become vacant from 1 April 2025. The aim being to help bring empty properties quicker into use.
You said
Thank you to the 27 respondents to the online consultation. The majority (78%) were Leicester residents and 7% responded as a landlord.
70% of respondents wanted to retain the current one calendar month full discount on empty and unfurnished properties when they become vacant.
30% wanted the remove this discount from 1 April 2025.
We did
Firm conclusions from the consultation are difficult to draw because of the response rate. The full Council approved the change on 19 February 2025, and also agreed to monitor the impact on average time to bring properties back into use.
We asked
The consultation provided an opportunity for market traders, Leicester residents, and stakeholders to comment on proposals for the redevelopment of Leicester Market.
The proposal was to return Leicester’s historic market to its original site and create a new flexible event space in the heart of the city centre. The consultation asked respondents if they supported the proposal, and to provide comments on the scheme.
The six-week online consultation ran from 28 October to 9 December 2024. The consultation was communicated through various channels including a Leicester City Council press release, social media, Your Leicester newsletter, Leicester Market hoarding displays, and meetings of trader representatives with the City Mayor.
You said
The consultation received 1,667 responses, offering a diverse representation in terms of age, gender, and ethnicity.
A majority of respondents supported the proposals: 1008 respondents supported the proposals (60%). 639 did not support the proposals (38%). 20 did not express a preference (1%).
We did
The project team will now be working to develop the design further, with a view to getting this important site redeveloped and open for business as quickly as possible.
Subject to planning permission being granted and a formal decision to proceed, works could start on site in Summer 2025 with the new market building opening by the end of 2026. The market will continue to operate from Green Dragon Square in the meantime.
Read the full press release here: Next step for market proposal.
We asked
We sought views on the removal of two Birch trees on Alexandra Road. The trees need to be removed due to an established link to property damage that they have been causing.
You said
There were six responses via the online consultation and 1 responce made directly to the Trees and Woodlands team.
Four of the respondents did not want to see the tree removed, with reasons given such as loss of amenity, loss of environmental benefits and a concern surrounding the replacement trees not being planted in the same location.
Two responses supported the tree removals as long as there were replacements within the city.
We did
We have reviewed the feedback and the decision has been made to remove the trees as there are directly linked to ongoing property damage which is an actionable nuisance in law. This decision was carefully considered and, in this case, there is no alternative solution other than to remove the trees. This decision is in line with the councils tree strategy and policy.
As part of the tree strategy, there needs to be more than one replacement tree for every significant tree lost. Therefore, new trees will be replanted within the ward if appropriate locations are available. If there are no suitable locations within the ward, the replacement planting will take place in other wards within the city.