Consultations and engagement

This website contains consultations hosted by Leicester City Council.

We welcome all feedback - tell us what you think of our services by using our comments, compliments, and complaints forms.

Open Consultations/Surveys

  • Apprenticeship Graduation 2024

    This year's Apprenticeship Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday 21 June at De Montfort Hall. If you've been a participant in the event, please give us your feedback. Your feedback will help us make the day even better for next year's graduates and their guests. This quick questionnaire...

    Closes 28 July 2024

  • Gambling Act Statement of Policy

    The current policy is due to expire in January 2025 so we are consulting on a replacement policy that will be in effect until January 2028. Minor amendments have been made to ensure the policy remains up to date and reflects current guidance from the Gambling Commission. A section has been...

    Closes 18 August 2024

  • Braunstone Village Conservation Character Appraisal & Management Plan Survey

    Leicester City Council is conducting a review of the Braunstone Village Conservation Area and has produced draft Character Appraisal and Management Plan documents to help define the character of the area and guide future developments. As part of the review, it is proposed to introduce stricter...

    Closes 19 August 2024

  • Camera Enforcement of Overdale Infant and Junior School Streets survey

    School Streets transform roads outside schools by preventing unauthorised vehicles from accessing them at school start and finish times. This allocation of more space to children and families helps improve road safety, encourages healthier lifestyles, and reduces traffic congestion. The...

    Closes 15 September 2024

  • Self-Build and Custom Build Register

    The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016 made under the 2015 Act came into force on 1 April 2016. The Regulations place a duty on the council to keep a register of individuals/associations of individuals who wish to acquire serviced plots of land to bring forward...

    Closes 31 December 2024

Closed Consultations/Surveys

  • Leicester’s adult social care workforce strategy consultation - 2024

    We want to hear your views on our draft adult social care workforce strategy. This strategy is for the external workforce (not social care staff employed by Leicester City Council) who provide support for adults aged 18 and above. They could be employed by agencies or organisations who...

    Closed 14 July 2024

  • Primary Fair Access Protocol (schools) 2024

    All local authorities must have a Fair Access Protocol (FAP) to ensure that unplaced and vulnerable children, and those who are having difficulty in securing a school place in-year, are allocated a school place as quickly as possible. The protocol must be consulted upon and developed...

    Closed 12 July 2024

  • Narborough Road

    Leicester City Council will be carrying out pavement improvement works on Narborough Road (Briton Street to Norman Street - outbound side). The aim of the works is to improve the overall quality of the pavement, make the relevant section more pedestrian-friendly, and tackle any drainage problems....

    Closed 24 June 2024

  • Leading Better Lives

    Have your say on helping people to lead better lives At Leicester City Council, we want everyone with care and support needs to be able to live the life they want to live, doing what is important to them, in good homes and in caring communities. But we know that, to do...

    Closed 23 June 2024

  • Children, Young People and Families Centres

    Due to ongoing reductions in government funding, the city council is considering a number of measures to help reduce costs in a bid to meet current and future budgetary requirements. This includes changes to, and possible reduction or withdrawal of, some services (subject of course to legal...

    Closed 9 June 2024

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

We sought views on a proposal to charge double the standard council tax for properties that are substantially unfurnished and unoccupied from one year instead of two from 1 April 2024, and secondly, to charge double the standard charge for properties that have no resident and are substantially furnished from 1 April 2025.

You said

59 people responded to the online consultation. The majority (81%) were Leicester residents and 8% responded as property owners.

71% of respondents agreed that we should charge double the standard council for properties which have been unoccupied and substantially unfurnished after one year, instead of the current two years.

66% agreed that we should charge double the standard council tax for properties that have no resident and are substantially furnished.

49% agreed that certain types of property or ownership should be exempt from the changes.

We did

On 21 February 2024 Full Council approved to double the standard council tax for substantially unfurnished and unoccupied properties from one year with effect from 1 April 2024, and to double the charge for properties that have no resident and are substantially furnished from 1 April 2025. 

The current exemptions to the additional charge that apply to empty unfurnished properties will continue. We will further consider exemptions once the Government has published its policy guidelines. This will include suggestions made by consultees.

We asked

We sought views on a proposal to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets in the Osmaston Road area.

You said

29 responses were received to the online consultation. All were within the consultation delivery area.

We also carried out a paper consultation to residents in the area covered by the 20mph zone.
1,556 letters were delivered. 194 replied, including 29 via the online consultation, which equats to a 12% response rate.

168 (87%) of respondants were in favour of the proposed 20mph zone, 22 (11%) against and 3 (2%) were unsure.

We did

As a result of the support of the proposal, the Deputy City Mayor for Climate, Economy and Culture has approved the implementation of the scheme which is scheduled to come into force in Spring 2024.

We asked

In August 2023, we and our partners (De Montfort University, University of Leicester and Arts Council England) published initial recommendations for a cultural and creative industries strategy for Leicester to help the city raise its collective ambition, create a compelling vision for what it can become, and guide priorities for the next five years. The partners undertook citywide public consultation for comment.

You said

77 responses were received, 62 from individuals and 15 representing organisations.

Most responses were positive and supported the vision and objectives of the strategy. Some respondents thought it should go further, more clearly prioritise between the themes and actions of the strategy and set out a more ambitious vision for cultural and creative industries and communities in Leicester.

The responses gave greatest priority to:

Industry focus and accessibility: There was a strong call for the strategy to focus on creating a robust framework for developing creative talent and skills and supporting recognised events like film festivals and art shows. This included providing accessible space for creatives, which was deemed crucial for fostering growth, attracting investment, and enhancing the city's cultural and economic appeal.

Inclusivity and diversity: The strategy needs to go beyond recognising ethnic diversity and include a broader scope of community representation, including the LGBT+ community and micro-businesses. The strategy should ensure that support mechanisms are equitable and reflect the city's demographics.

Evidence-based claims and local identity: Respondents asked for the strategy to present evidence-based claims about Leicester's cultural offerings to avoid generic statements. There was a desire for the strategy to resonate with local identity, ensuring honesty about the reality of life in the city and recognition of local assets, which would help drive meaningful change and prevent the strategy from being perceived as an out-of-touch, top-down approach.

Others saw a greater opportunity to highlight and capitalise on the benefits of creative health, and the need to link the recommendations explicitly to sustainability and addressing the climate emergency.

We did

All comments have been scrutinised and noted. We and our partners will be hosting a further engagement event at Hansom Hall on Friday 1 December 2023 to set out eight ‘Big Ideas” which have been developed on the basis of feedback from the responses. This event will include live performances which showcase the excellence of cultural activity in Leicester as well as an opportunity to comment further on the ‘Big Ideas’ and provide input into the final strategy.