Drug & Alcohol User Survey

Closed 7 Sep 2012

Opened 30 Jul 2012

Feedback expected 2 Nov 2012

Results updated 7 Jan 2013


Results of the Adult substance misuse service user/carer survey 2012

The full results report is available for download below

Key points:

1.       Survey ran from 30th July to 7th September 2012.93 surveys were returned; 11(12%) of these were filled on line.

2.       There was a fairly even split between alcohol and drug users although the largest group (39-42%) were alcohol users. There were 32 drug users, 14 drug and alcohol users and just 8 family members.

3.       The survey largely reflects the views of white British users. Where known-67 (85%) were either white British or White English. Just 3 users described themselves as non-White (Indian).Respondents were also predominantly male (73%). Nearly half of users (48%) stated they had a disability-the most common ones being mental health and physical health.

4.       Just over half stated (56%) their service had been excellent. A further third (32%) said the service had been good. Just 3 users said the service had been poor or very poor.

5.       The majority of users wanted improvements to opening times-Saturdays and evenings being the most popular. Bank holiday access was also mentioned.

6.       More leaflets and social networking were the most popular methods identified to improve information about services.

7.       For those that responded there was a clear majority(44-73%) that wanted better city centre access rather than greater accessibility in each ward. However the use of community-focussed venues and healthcare venues was supported by the majority responding.

8.       The majority of respondents reported that they had  received the right services(76%), that their health and well-being had improved (82%)and they had had more positive life experiences through services input(75%).Where improvements were needed additional drop- in and telephone support were the most popular requests; along with dietary help and access to a dentist. Short skills based courses and access to more leisure and sporting activities were the most popular activities requested.

9.       In terms of reaching out to those that are not yet in services the most popular ideas were in descending order, publicity campaigns, and open days, use of social networking, word of mouth and community outreach. Door to door activity was the least popular.

10.   Just under half (46-49%) of respondents made additional comments under question 6-“any other comments”. These included personal views about services, which were mainly positive.

11.   A series of charts outlining responses are included below:




Welcome to the Drug & Alcohol Service User Survey.

This survey is intended to get your views on Drug & Alcohol Services and how they can be improved.

Please read the information below which provides some background on why we are doing this consultation and will help you to understand how the views you provide will be used to shape and improve our services.


1. Recontracting of Drug and Alcohol Services

Leicester City Council is working to get new service contracts in place by July 1st 2013. Contract tendering will start in October and new contracts will be awarded in April next year.


2. Why are we doing this now?

It is partly unfinished business. When we went out to tender two years ago we were not able to award one of the largest contracts. We were able to offer the existing providers a contract extension for only 2 years-this will finish in June 2013.

We think it makes sense for the other contracts to be tendered this year, so any changes can be made across the whole system at the same time.

3.     How are we preparing for the tender programme?

We have reviewed data about the needs in Leicester, and asked users, carers and providers about local need and services. We have asked drug and alcohol agencies to give their views on the best ways of meeting that local need.

We are also talking to those services that provide support in other ways to those using drug and/or alcohol services-such as housing, and Adult Skills.

Why your views matter

We would like to hear what you think newly contracted services should be doing. As someone who has used the services we are interested in your views about how the services could be improved. These views will be considered as part of the development of the new service specification.

What happens next

Survey returns will be analysed as part of the work to prepare new service specifications for the recontracting of services. Findings will be reported  to the Drug and Alcohol Commissioning Groups which are part of the Safer Leicester Partnership.


  • Abbey
  • Aylestone
  • Beaumont Leys
  • Belgrave
  • Evington
  • Eyres Monsell
  • Rushey Mead
  • Saffron
  • Stoneygate


  • Carers
  • User groups


  • Adult social care and safeguarding