Braunstone Village Conservation Character Appraisal & Management Plan Survey

Closed 19 Aug 2024

Opened 5 Jul 2024


Leicester City Council is conducting a review of the Braunstone Village Conservation Area and has produced draft Character Appraisal and Management Plan documents to help define the character of the area and guide future developments.

As part of the review, it is proposed to introduce stricter planning controls on the 4 properties in the area, which are not Grade II listed,  through the introduction of an Article 4 Direction.

We are now seeking comments on these proposals.

A drop-in event will take place on Thursday 27 June 2024 from 17:00pm until 19:30pm at the St Peter’s Church on Woodshawe Rise where City Council representatives will be available to answer any questions in person.

Copies of the Character Appraisal and Management Plan can be downloaded on the next page.  Details of the proposed Article 4 Direction can be found within the Management Plan.

This consultation is taking place at the same time as a consultation on the proposed designation of a new conservation area for the part of the historic village of Braunstone which lies south of Braunstone Lane within Blaby District Council. Should you have any queries about that process, please contact Blaby District Council direct. 


  • All Areas


  • All residents
  • Households within the scheme boundary


  • Planning
  • Highways
  • Climate change
  • Parks and green spaces
  • Refuse collection and disposal
  • Environmental health
  • Allotments
  • Neighbourhood services
  • Arts and museums
  • Public participation
  • Community safety
  • Volunteering and the third sector
  • Community cohesion
  • City development and neighbourhoods
  • Public transport