515 results
Consultation on Article 4 Direction to 53 Oxford Street
Summary of Position The owner of 53 Oxford Street in the City centre informed the City council as local planning authority of their intention to clear the site by submitting a prior notification of proposed demolition application. The Council, as the local planning authority, had 21 days to determine this application, which expires on 8th June 2015. As Local Planning Authority, the City Council decided to remove the permitted development rights which would allow demolition of the... MoreClosed 24 June 2015 -
Licensing Policy for 2016-2021
As a licensing authority, Leicester City Council is required to review its Licensing Policy every five years. The current policy expires early in 2016 and so we need to decide on our policy for 2016 to 2021. The Licensing Policy sets out the authority’s position on matters relating to the Licensing Act 2003. This Act deals with The sale or supply of alcohol Regulated entertainment Late night refreshment MoreClosed 14 August 2015 -
Gambling Policy 2016-2019
The Gambling Act 2005 says that we have to publish our Gambling Policy every three years. The current policy is due to expire in 2016 and so we are consulting on a replacement policy MoreClosed 16 August 2015 -
Substance misuse support services 2015
Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland councils and the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are proposing to put in place an integrated substance misuse service which will cover Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland from July 2016. Over the next few weeks you will have the opportunity to tell us what you think of the proposal for one substance misuse service. Your feedback will help to further shape the model of delivery. MoreClosed 16 August 2015 -
Private hire and hackney carriage driver and vehicle licensing
We are considering changes to taxi driver licensing, as follows: We currently license all taxi drivers for one year but propose to allow licences to be issued for one, two or three years. We propose to require new and existing drivers to attend child sexual exploitation awareness briefings We propose to introduce a driver penalty points scheme. We are also reviewing our vehicle age policy, which was implemented two years ago. MoreClosed 16 August 2015 -
Proposed Knighton Neighbourhood Area Consultation
Leicester City Council has received an application for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area. The proposed area covers most of the Knighton Ward and is to be known as the ‘Knighton Neighbourhood Area’. All residents within the proposed area will or be soon receiving a letter notifying them of the proposal. This is the first stage in the process of the Knighton Neighbourhood plan. A Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led framework for guiding the future development and growth of an... MoreClosed 15 October 2015 -
Leicester and Leicestershire combined authority proposal
Boosting jobs, improving transport and taking decisions locally – that’s the purpose of a proposed combined authority for Leicester and Leicestershire. The city, county and district councils are working on proposals to create a combined authority. If the Government gives the go-ahead, it would guide decisions on transport, planning, skills and other key issues affecting the area. It would not replace individual councils and their current services but would enable them to work more... MoreClosed 20 October 2015 -
20mph Zone Folville Junior School Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets around Folville Junior School. In addition, it is proposed to install two sets of speed cushions on Waltham Avenue near to the school. MoreClosed 23 November 2015 -
TNS north west – youth centres
Local services in Abbey, Beaumont Leys and New Parks are going to change. We want to work with you to make these services fit for the future. In 2014, we spoke to people in the north west about some council services in the area. Now the programme is expanding to include the two youth centres in New Parks and Stocking Farm. This map shows the buildings involved in the review – youth centres circled in red. We are inviting you to find out more and give your views by 29 November... MoreClosed 29 November 2015 -
Admission Arrangements for 2017-18
Leicester City Council is proposing some changes to the admissions policy of community and voluntary controlled schools in the city for September 2017. We would like your views on these proposals. MoreClosed 6 December 2015 -
Ashton Green transport improvements
Ashton Green is seen as the most innovative and sustainable new development in Leicester in more than 30 years and will enable substantial progress towards delivering the 20,000 new homes needed in the City over the next 20 years. Providing highway infrastructure improvements and additional public transport services are key elements of the Council’s commitment to building a more sustainable new community. Furthermore, the early delivery of these proposed works were conditions of the... MoreClosed 21 December 2015 -
Learning disabilities strategy consultation
Further to our Learning Disabilities Strategy workshop and engagement in 2014, we have listened to your views and made a lot of changes to the original draft strategy. We would now like to hear your views and comments on what we have included in the new five year strategy. MoreClosed 24 December 2015 -
Leicester Market improvement scheme, phase 3 - Trader survey
The aim of this survey is to enable traders and shoppers to share their views on a range of ideas for improving Leicester's historic outdoor market. This include improved lighting, refurbished stalls, new signage and a revamp for the market's retails units. Traders and shoppers can also make their own suggestions on the best ways to improve the market. MoreClosed 24 December 2015 -
Community Engagement Fund
Leicester City Council is creating this new fund with the purpose of engaging Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations as active partners in strengthening our response to the Public Sector Equality Duty. The Public Sector Equality Duty requires the City Council (in exercising our functions) to have due regard to the need to: Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected... MoreClosed 31 December 2015 -
Leicester Market improvement scheme, phase 3
The aim of this survey is to enable traders and shoppers to share their views on a range of ideas for improving Leicester's historic outdoor market. This includes improved lighting, refurbished stalls, new signage and a revamp for the market's retails units. Traders and shoppers can also make their own suggestions on the best ways to improve the market. MoreClosed 4 January 2016 -
Clarendon Park residents parking scheme
Following requests from residents, Leicester City Council will carry out a consultation on implementing a permit scheme for parking in Clarendon Park. Local councillors Patrick Kitterick, Deborah Sangster and Lynn Senior are committed to consulting residents to determine if there is support for introducing such a scheme in the area. This scheme is not yet at formal consultation stage. However, an exhibition for residents and businesses was held from 18-20 November 2016 at... MoreClosed 8 January 2016 -
Leicester's Sustainability Action Plan
Leicester City Council has set a 50% reduction target for city wide carbon emissions by 2025, based on 1990 levels. The figure currently stands at around 28% lower than the baseline. As part of this climate change target, Leicester City Council has launched Leicester’s Sustainability Action Plan for 2015-2019 which sets out 18 key priorities to meet that commitment. The plan also identifies actions the council can take to engage with people and... MoreClosed 14 January 2016 -
Belgrave Road improvement scheme
Leicester’s ‘Golden Mile’ is home to a wonderful selection of shops and restaurants. The area attracts people from all over the country. However, this part of the city is heavily dominated by traffic, resulting in congestion and inconvenience for pedestrians or cyclists. The Golden Mile Regeneration Group and other key stakeholders have been contacted with a view to developing design ideas that could redress this imbalance and improve the area to create a more attractive and... MoreClosed 15 January 2016 -
Clarendon Park residents' parking scheme consultation
Parking pressures have increasingly impacted the Clarendon Park area due to its proximity to the city centre, university, college and the football and rugby stadiums. Leicester City Council has proposed using a residents’ parking scheme to ease the current parking situation. Information on the proposals can be found in the 'related documents' section on this page and within the questionnaire (this includes the FAQ’s and a plan of the proposed parking... MoreClosed 12 February 2016 -
New wildflower meadow
Leicester City Council is planning to introduce a new wildflower meadow on the site of the old John Ellis Community College which closed in 1999. The new meadow will be part of the greater Belgrave Meadows and Watermead complex of nature areas. The original site of the college was named after one of Leicester’s most influential figures, John Ellis, a local landowner who was instrumental in the development of Leicester through farming and engineering in the 18th century. He was also an... MoreClosed 15 February 2016 -
Young Employees Network training workshops survey
The Young Employees Network (YEN) at Leicester City Council aims to be a socially and professionally supportive group to help members make the most of the opportunities the council has to offer. We are seeking to facilitate our own training sessions in 2016 and would like your input to ensure we are able to tailor the workshops to maximise the benefits to young employees. MoreClosed 19 February 2016 -
Bloomfield Road area - Proposed 20mph zone
Leicester City Council is proposing to install traffic calming features and change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets in the Bloomfield Road area of Leicester. MoreClosed 26 February 2016 -
Accident Reduction Scheme - London Road/St Johns Road
Following an investigation into recorded personal injury accidents at the junction of London Road and St Johns Road, Leicester City Council is proposing to prohibit vehicles entering St Johns Road from London Road. In addition, it is proposed to install three sets of speed cushions on St Johns Road to contrain vehicle speeds and discourage through traffic. MoreClosed 29 February 2016 -
Victoria Park Tennis Courts - online booking
Victoria Park tennis courts are being redeveloped as part of the City Mayor’s plans for the centenary walk development in that area. Leicester City Council is applying for funding from the Lawn Tennis Association to support the upgrading of the tennis courts on the park. Victoria Park has four tennis courts; Leicester City Council are looking to pilot a free online booking system for 12 months. Use of the courts will remain free of charge. Three tennis courts will be available to pre... MoreClosed 14 March 2016 -
Ashton Green transport improvements - Greengate Lane
Ashton Green is seen as the most innovative and sustainable new development in Leicester in more than 30 years and will enable substantial progress towards delivering the 20,000 new homes needed in the City over the next 20 years. Providing highway infrastructure improvements and additional public transport services are key elements of the Council’s commitment to building a more sustainable new community. Furthermore, the early delivery of these proposed works were conditions of the... MoreClosed 20 March 2016 -
Merrydale Schools Area - Proposed 20mph Zone
Leicester City Council is proposing to reduce the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on the streets around Merrydale Infants and Merrydale Junior School. As part of this scheme it is proposed to install traffic calming features on part of Hastings Road. MoreClosed 25 March 2016 -
Proposals for services in north west (TNS)
Leicester City Council is reorganising neighbourhood services across the city. This includes libraries, community and youth centres, housing offices, adult learning and local customer service points. Significant cuts in government funding mean that we cannot continue to run services as we do now. But before making any proposals, in 2014 and 2015 we spoke to local people to find out what they wanted from their services. We also asked for suggestions for the future. MoreClosed 11 April 2016 -
Disability Related Expenditure (DRE) Consultation
The council is thinking of changing the financial assessment for people who live at home (not in a residential care home or nursing home). In particular, the council is proposing to change the way it works out Disability Related Expenditure (DRE). This is the extra expense people have each week because of a disability. Everyone who is eligible for adult social care has a financial assessment. This is a means test to work out if people have to pay towards the cost of their care and... MoreClosed 12 April 2016 -
Festivals review
Leicester City Council supports the delivery of a vibrant programme of festivals throughout the year, both for city residents and visitors to the city. The festivals are a mixture of events delivered directly by the council’s festivals and events team and through funding provided to external organisations. The council reviews its festival funding allocations on a regular basis, and considers the extent to which they represent good value for money for the council. MoreClosed 20 April 2016 -
Elective Home Education Policy
Leicester City Council is consulting on its Elective Home Education Policy and we would like to involve families who choose to educate their child/children at home in this process by seeking your views. MoreClosed 29 April 2016
515 results.
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