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493 results

  • Brading Road and Medina Road proposed traffic calming scheme

    Leicester City Council is proposing to install traffic calming on Brading Road and Medina Road to help reduce speeds, improve safety and discourage through traffic. This is in response to a petition received from residents of Brading Road requesting the installation of traffic calming features. Traffic calming on Medina Road is included in the scheme to discourage displaced traffic from Brading Road. More
    Closed 9 December 2019
  • Children and young people living in care

    We believe in supporting all of our children and young people to have a safe place to live and thrive. We recognise that most children and young people are best brought up within their own families, however where this is not possible, we do our best to find a family or a home that best meets their needs and offers the support and opportunities needed for success and happiness in later life. To meet this vision, we need to have the right home, in the right place, at the... More
    Closed 1 December 2019
  • Early outcomes fund speech, language and communication survey

    This survey is a joint project involving Leicester City Council, Nottingham City Council and Derby City Council, working with Better Communication CIC. It relates to an Early Outcomes Fund project funded by the Department for Education that aims to improve outcomes for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs. As part of this work, we are seeking parents', carers' and providers' views on current support for children and young people, as well what changes... More
    Closed 30 November 2019
  • Domestic abuse and sexual violence services consultation

    Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, Rutland County Council, and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire are in the process of re-commissioning sexual and domestic violence and abuse services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. This involves looking at ways in which we can improve how we respond to perpetrators and support victims and their families We currently commission a range of independent services for people affected by domestic or... More
    Closed 24 November 2019
  • Hackney and private hire vehicle driver licensing

    We are reviewing our policies and procedures for licensing drivers of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles. This is part of our taxi strategy, where we will look at all areas of taxi licensing to see where improvements can be made. More
    Closed 17 November 2019
  • Social care charging policy

    Leicester City Council is proposing a change to its financial assessment for people who receive non-residential care. This survey can be filled in by anyone, not just those who receive help from adult social care. Why is change needed? The Care Act 2014 introduced changes to the guidance on financial assessments. We plan to bring our assessments in line with the current guidance. What are we proposing? Everyone who is eligible for adult social care has a financial... More
    Closed 15 November 2019
  • Leicester Local Plan reference documents

    This page contains links to relevant reference documents from the recent Leicester Local Plan consultation.
 Please note that the consultation, which ran from 26 July - 17 December 2017, is now closed and that all of these documents are available for reference purposes only. Sustainability assessment refererence document Sustainability assessment questionnaire document
 Potential development sites reference document
 Potential development sites... More
    Closed 31 October 2019
  • Charnwood tenants survey

    Leicester City Council's Housing Department would like to hear your views and comments on issues that affect your home and local community - in this instance, the Charnwood Estate. This survey will help us plan for the future and decide where we spend funding to improve the environment of the estate. Questions in this survey relate to issues that have been raised by local residents. More
    Closed 31 October 2019
  • Polling District Review 2019 Stage 2

    In accordance with the Representation of the People Act 1983, the council has a duty to divide the city into polling districts and to designate a polling place for each of these districts. The legislation also requires every local authority to complete a review of its polling districts and polling places by 31 January 2020. Consequently, we are commencing our review from Monday 12 August 2019. More
    Closed 18 October 2019
  • Groby Road bus lane

    We are considering the introduction of a bus lane to tackle the issue of a 'bus pinch point' on Groby Road (A50). A pinch point for buses occurs where there is a lot of traffic and/or the road narrows. This leads to traffic slowing down and congestion, causing bus services to be delayed and become unreliable. The proposed bus lane will be on the city-bound section of Groby Road between Mary Road to Medina Road. As the A50 is a major route for bus services into the city, it is anticipated... More
    Closed 30 September 2019
  • Dovelands / Letchworth Road North 20mph zone

    Leicester City Council is proposing to introduce 20 mph zones in the area around Dovelands School, and also around Letchworth Road to the north of Glenfield Road. This proposal will involve changing the speed limit to 20 mph and the installation of traffic calming features on streets that show higher vehicle speeds. Download map showing streets affected by the proposed Dovelands 20mph zone . Download map showing streets affected by the proposed Letchworth Road North 20mph... More
    Closed 29 September 2019
  • 20mph Zone - Somerset Avenue Area

    Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on Somerset Avenue and surrounding streets in the vicinity of Alderman Richard Hallam School. To help reduce speeds, improve safety and discourage through traffic we are proposing to install traffic calming on Avebury Avenue, Somerset Avenue, and Cheltenham Road. More
    Closed 23 September 2019
  • 20mph zone - Thurnby Lodge School Area

    Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets surrounding Thurnby Lodge School. To help reduce speeds, improve safety and discourage through traffic, we are proposing to install traffic calming on Elmcroft Avenue, Ocean Road, Dudley Avenue and Dakyn Road. More
    Closed 23 September 2019
  • Planning policy - call for sites

    The city council is asking interested parties to suggest sites which could help meet the city’s need for new homes and jobs as well as other land uses. The details submitted under this 'Call for Sites' will be assessed by the council for inclusion in the Leicester’s Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment. Ultimately, sites may be considered for inclusion in the Brownfield Land register and / or the next consultation draft of Leicester’s Local Plan. Please... More
    Opened 19 September 2019
  • Statement Of Community Involvement

    Leicester is a city that has recently seen great change in its buildings, public spaces, shops and attractions. It has plans to continue its economic growth working with local businesses and the community. This growth must be well planned to ensure that it continues to support businesses and the economy as well as delivering attractive buildings and places. An important part of good planning is meaningful engagement and discussion with the community, businesses and services that... More
    Closed 13 September 2019
  • Polling District Review 2019

    In accordance with the Representation of the People Act 1983, the council has a duty to divide the city into polling districts and to designate a polling place for each of these districts. The legislation also requires every local authority to complete a review of its polling districts and polling places by 31 January 2020. Consequently, we are commencing our review from Monday 12 August 2019. More
    Closed 6 September 2019
  • New Walk Character Appraisal and Management Plan

    The Character Appraisal and Management Plan for the New Walk conservation area identify what makes the area special, and set out proposals and actions to preserve and enhance the area's special character. We are inviting comments on both the appraisal and the plan. More
    Closed 5 September 2019
  • Public Spaces Protection Order for Dog Control

    Leicester City Council's currently operates three Public Spaces Protection Orders for Dog Control across the city: Fouling Exclusion Dogs on leads These grant the council legal powers to take enforcement action in relation to any dog control issues that may occur. The current powers are valid for three years, and are due to expire on 1 December 2019. We are asking key stakeholders and members of the public for their views on our plans to extend the current Public... More
    Closed 11 August 2019
  • Morland Avenue area 20mph limit

    Leicester City Council is proposing to introduce a 20mph speed limit on Morland Avenue and Grenfell Road. This is part of our commitment to improve road safety and encourage walking and cycling near to schools and in residential areas. The speed limit on these streets is currently 30 miles per hour. No further traffic calming measures are proposed. Download map showing streets affected by the proposed 20mph speed limit . More
    Closed 9 August 2019
  • Heathley Park area 20mph zone

    Leicester City Council is proposing to introduce a 20mph zone in Heathley Park. This is part of our commitment to improve road safety and encourage walking and cycling near to schools and in residential areas. The speed limit on these streets is currently 30 miles per hour. No further traffic calming measures are proposed. Download map showing streets affected by the proposed 20mph zone . More
    Closed 9 August 2019
  • Apprenticeship Graduation 2019

    This year's Apprenticeship Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday 28 June at De Montfort Hall. If you've been a participant in the event, please give us your feedback. More
    Closed 21 July 2019
  • Recycling banks consultation

    Leicester City Council currently provides a network of recycling bank sites for residents of Leicester City to recycle glass bottles and jars, and paper, cardboard and textiles. To achieve savings whilst improving the service we are proposing the following changes: Remove all the paper and card recycling banks at the 27 sites where these are provided, and all the glass banks at the 62 sites where these are provided. Introduce new recycling bins that accept a wider... More
    Closed 10 June 2019
  • Childcare Sufficiency Assessment – Parental Survey 2019

    We are seeking the views of parents and carers about their needs for childcare. Your views are important to us as they will help us decide how to plan new childcare services, and ensure that places meet the needs for local families. In particular, we would like to know how you use childcare, what you think about it, and whether you would like to use more. All responses will be treated in absolute confidence and will only be used to help us assess the need for future childcare... More
    Closed 26 May 2019
  • Joint health and wellbeing strategy

    Our Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS) sets out the health priorities for Leicester and provides details of Leicester City Council and the city’s Health and Wellbeing Board’s plans over the next five years to tackle these priorities. Our strategy is a ‘call to action’ to tackle the origins of ill health in our city by fostering a shared understanding and approach to protecting health and wellbeing with local organisations and communities. Evidence shows that simply... More
    Closed 19 May 2019
  • Museums and Galleries Service Survey

    We are carrying out market research to gain insight into people’s views of our museum and art galleries service. These include New Walk Museum and Art Gallery, Newarke Houses Museum, Abbey Pumping Station, The Guildhall and Belgrave Hall and Gardens. More
    Closed 19 May 2019
  • MyAccount customer survey

    MyAccount is part of Leicester City Council’s website which allows people to: access council services 24/7 create and view requests save time keep up to date with email alerts. MyAccount was launched in 2015 and since then we have been constantly adding new services to the site to allow greater online access for residents. The council is now looking to improve the customer experience. We are asking you how we could... More
    Closed 5 May 2019
  • Selective licensing of privately rented homes

    Leicester City Council is considering the introduction of Selective Licensing to areas of the city where there are high levels of private rented accommodation. These include parts of: Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Castle Fosse Saffron Stoneygate Westcotes The scheme could also be introduced to other parts of the city if it was considered appropriate. Under Selective Licensing anyone who rents out a property in a designated area would be required... More
    Closed 5 May 2019
  • Parks and open spaces byelaws

    Leicester City Council carried out a consultation on proposed changes to park and open spaces byelaws in October / November 2018. Responses were analysed and a decision was made to implement the proposed changes as there were no overwhelming objections or identification of needs. T he Secretary of State has given leave for the proposed byelaw to be progressed, and this consultation provides members of the public with the opportunity to comment in the final... More
    Closed 24 April 2019
  • Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Strategy 2019-2022

    This draft strategy aims to improve services and people’s experience of them in Leicester. We have a legal duty to write a strategy and deliver a plan that will improve services for people with a learning disability. This includes what we should change about the way we work in order to meet the needs of people with a learning disability. Learning disabilities are conditions that affect the way a person understands information and how they communicate. A learning disability can be mild... More
    Closed 23 April 2019
  • SEND Strategy

    Leicester City Council and Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group are seeking feedback from the public on the draft proposals for inclusion in the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy. The purpose of this strategy is to set out what we know about the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and how we will listen and respond to those needs in order to improve the lives of children and families. ... More
    Closed 17 April 2019
493 results. Page 7 of 17