514 results
Braunstone housing office
We are proposing to close Braunstone Housing Office and relocate services to The BRITE centre. The Housing department has recently completed an organisational review. As a result, there are now fewer staff working from Braunstone Housing Office, making it impractical to carry on running the building. The proposed change would involve offering the building for other use. Staff currently working from the housing office will relocate to the Saffron Lane office, to work alongside other... MoreOpened 1 November 2016 -
Scoping Report Consultation
Leicester City Council has prepared a sustainability appraisal scoping report for the emerging Leicester Local Plan. The new local plan will, in time, replace the Adopted Core Strategy and remaining saved 2006 City of Leicester Local Plan policies. It will set out the long-term spatial vision and strategy for the City. The Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report is an important process in the preparation of the new local plan. Its purpose is to assess the extent to which... MoreOpened 28 October 2016 -
Bulky and DIY waste consultation
The city council's financial position is exceptionally severe as a result of the Government's spending cuts. The grant we receive from the Government has fallen by almost 50% since 2010 (after allowing for inflation) and further cuts have been announced for the next three years. When we set the budget in February 2016, we estimated we would need to make further cuts of £55m by 2019. This is on top of the £100 million of savings we have already made. Whilst we are taking every step we... MoreOpened 17 October 2016 -
20mph Zone - Charnor Road Area
Leicester City Council is proposed to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on the streets around Forest Lodge Primary School. To help reduce speeds and improve the safety of children attending the school, we are proposing to replace the existing poor quality speed cushions on Charnor Road and install speed cushions on Battersbee Road. It is also proposed to make the existing school keep clear markings mandatory. MoreOpened 10 October 2016 -
Mental health support services
Health and social care want to work together whenever possible, to provide better services that focus on the best ways for people to stay well and to recover. This will provide real health benefits and make the best use of the money available, help improve quality, and reduce variation in what is available in different areas. To help people with mental health difficulties to stay well, or to recover if they do become unwell, the councils and CCGs are proposing to develop a set of... MoreOpened 3 October 2016 -
20mph Zone - Whitehall Primary School Area
Leicester City Council is proposed to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on the streets around Whitehall Primary School Area. To help reduce speeds and improve the safety of children attending both Whitehall and Oaklands Schools, we are proposing to install speed cushions and a refuge along Whitehall Road and raise the existing zebra crossing to incorporate a speed table. MoreOpened 3 October 2016 -
Sportive participant survey 2016
This year’s Sportive was organised as part of the Castle Classic event for Ride Leicester Festival. We aim to repeat and expand the event again next year and appreciate your feedback to help make it better. MoreOpened 21 September 2016 -
Ride Leicester Festival 2016 partner, organiser, sponsor, volunteer feedback
Thank you for your support for Ride Leicester Festival 2016. MoreOpened 21 September 2016 -
Economic Action Plan
Originally launched in 2012, the Leicester Economic Action Plan set out aims for job creation, inward investment and business support in the city up until 2020. The economic action plan has helped guide and support the city’s growth since 2012, but it is now time to renew it and set out new ambitions for the next four years. The city council’s new economic action plan (2016-2020) has been developed to encourage and support growth in Leicester. Titled ‘Leicester: Great City’,... MoreOpened 14 September 2016 -
Early Help remodelling
Government cuts in funding mean that the council has to make financial savings. One of the ways these savings can be made is to change the way we deliver services. This can mean a reduction in staffing levels and services, as well as changing the way we do things. We need to understand how people might be affected by proposed changes to the way we run children, young people and family centres; and other early help services. This is why we are asking members of the public, service users,... MoreOpened 14 September 2016 -
Homeless services review
We are consulting on five proposals to re-configure our homeless services to ensure the most vulnerable receive the support they need. We want you to tell us what you think the impact may be of these proposals. This online survey provides a summary of the options and an opportunity for you to respond. More detailed information is available in the Monitoring the Homelessness Strategy . MoreOpened 14 September 2016 -
New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) consultation
We are consulting to gauge the level of public awareness about New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) formerly known as ‘legal highs’ and the support to enforce controls on the use of NPS by giving the police additional powers through a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). MoreOpened 13 September 2016 -
Proposals for services in north east (TNS)
Leicester City Council is reorganising neighbourhood services across the city. This includes libraries, community and youth centres and adult learning centres. Significant cuts in government funding mean that we cannot continue to run services as we do now. But before making any proposals, in June and July 2016 we spoke to local people in the north east area of the city to find out what they wanted from their services. We also asked for suggestions for the future. MoreOpened 12 September 2016 -
Childcare services
All local authorities are required to review and assess local childcare services. As part of our current assessment we would like Leicester families to tell us about their childcare needs. This will help us work with childcare service providers to ensure high quality childcare services are available when and where you need them. MoreOpened 25 August 2016 -
Garden waste service customer survey
The optional garden waste service is available to households across Leicester. The service collects garden waste, such as leaves, twigs and grass cuttings, fortnightly on Mondays between March and October in green bins. The cost of the service is currently £30. MoreOpened 15 August 2016 -
Parking improvement plan 2016-19
We all share the limited space in our road network and around our neighbourhoods, and we need to park our vehicles with consideration for others and our environment. We depend on well thought-out management of parking for our safety and quality of life. The parking improvement action plan is being developed to take forward a range of actions to improve Leicester’s parking services, infrastructure and management over the next three years. MoreOpened 10 August 2016 -
20mph zone - Northfields Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on the streets around the Northfields Area. This includes the residential streets around Northfields House Primary School. MoreOpened 8 August 2016 -
Leicestershire council tax reduction scheme consultation
Changes are being considered to council tax reduction schemes (also known as council tax support schemes) across Leicester and Leicestershire. This is a joint consultation involving a number of different councils across the region, inviting residents, businesses and others to submit their views to help shape their respective council tax reduction / support schemes. MoreOpened 4 August 2016 -
20mph Zone - Fairfax Road Area
Leicester City Council is proposed to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on the streets around the Fairfax Road Area. MoreOpened 1 August 2016 -
Dog Fouling Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) consultation
Community consultation is required to ascertain public support for Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Police to continue to enforce dog fouling and control issues within the city. The current legislation, The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, The Dog Control Orders used by Leicester City Council to undertake enforcement to ensure responsible dog ownership in the city expires on 7 August 2016. Consideration is needed at this time due to the reform of Anti-Social... MoreOpened 1 August 2016 -
Taxi consultation - regarding vehicle age limits, the limit on the number of hackney carriages, and proposals to encourage more Ultra Low Emission Vehicles
We are consulting on three issues: We are considering making changes to the current age policy for hackney carriages and private hire vehicles because we are concerned that many of the older vehicles are not being maintained to a suitable standard. We are looking at whether or not to remove the existing limit on the number of hackney carriage licences that the council issues. Removing the limit would bring us in line with Department of Transport guidance and enable us to... MoreOpened 1 August 2016 -
St George's Cultural Quarter action plan
Leicester City Council is working closely with the Cultural Quarter Association, Curve, Phoenix, and others to accelerate the development of the Cultural Quarter and promote the area as a home for arts and creative industries with a national reputation. We are consulting on the draft Action Plan which sets out how the Cultural Quarter can be a great place to live and work, and a lively place throughout the day, with a vibrant evening economy. MoreOpened 6 July 2016 -
St George's Churchyard public space
St George’s Churchyard is one the largest green spaces in the city centre. At the moment it is an underutilised space that the city council wishes to transform into an open, public space for all to enjoy. This will enhance a key gateway from the railway station into the Cultural Quarter whilst reducing instances of anti-social behaviour that have taken place within the Churchyard in recent years. MoreOpened 6 July 2016 -
Belgrave Road improvement scheme
Leicester’s ‘Golden Mile’ on Belgrave Road and Melton Road is home to a wonderful selection of shops, restaurants and other services. The area attracts people from all over the country. However, this part of the city is heavily dominated by traffic, resulting in congestion and inconvenience for pedestrians and cyclists. Following discussions with the Golden Mile Regeneration Group and other key stakeholders, design ideas were drawn up and consulted on between 5 December 2015 and 15... MoreOpened 28 June 2016 -
20mph Zone - Fosse Primary School Area
Leicester City Council is proposed to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on the streets around Fosse Primary School. In order to help reduce speeds and improve the safety of children around the school, it is proposed to install a single set of speed cushions on each of Balfour Street, Central Road and Bonchurch Street. It is also proposed to construct build-outs at both the junction of Balfour Street and Central Road and the junction of Marshall Street and Bonchurch Street in order... MoreOpened 20 June 2016 -
20mph Zone - Keyham Lane Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on Keyham Lane and the surrounding area around Keyham Lodge School. In addition, it is proposed to install speed cushions on Keyham Lane near to the school. MoreOpened 10 June 2016 -
Neighbourhood services in the north east (TNS)
Your local council services are changing. We are working with local people and communities to make sure these services meet future needs. Initially, we want to find out more about the buildings and services people use in the north east area of Leicester. Download map for details of neighbourhood buildings affected . Ways in which you can give us your views: Come to a drop-in session – details on right. Submit your views on this website (click 'online survey' link... MoreOpened 6 June 2016 -
Knighton Neighbourhood Forum Consultation
For background information please visit our Neighbourhood Planning page: http://www.leicester.gov.uk/your-council/policies-plans-and-strategies/planning-and-development/neighbourhood-planning/ Under the Localism Act 2011, local communities can produce Neighbourhood Plans, setting out policies on the development and use of land in their area. If the Plans are adopted by Leicester City Council they will have the same weight as other Development Plan documents for the City. The... MoreOpened 24 May 2016 -
Lifestyle Services Review
Lifestyle services are available for individuals who want support to make lifestyle changes to improve their health and wellbeing. Council funded services include support to stop smoking, increase levels of physical activity (e.g. the Active Lifestyle Scheme), eat a healthier diet (e.g. cook and eat programmes), reduce alcohol consumption and lose weight (e.g. weight management programmes such as DHAL, LEAP and Weightwatchers on referral). The council also funds a health trainer programme... MoreOpened 11 April 2016 -
Bioblitz Leicester
PLEASE CLICK ON ACTIVITIES AT BOTTOM OF PAGE TO SEE LIST OF ACTIVITIES TO BOOK ONTO OR RING 0116 454 2964. It's FREE! Welford Road Cemetery, Welford Road, Leicester LE1 6ZG Event Timing: 7.00 pm to midnight Friday 20th May and 7.00 am – 3.00 pm Saturday 21st May 2016 A day of wildlife recording and guided walks at the Cemetery Join us at Welford Road Cemetery for this exciting family event where we try and record as many species of plants,... MoreOpened 11 April 2016
514 results.
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