515 results
Leicester Sexual Health services
The Leicester Sexual Health service is funded by Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and Rutland County Council (LLR). This survey seeks the views of service users, staff and stakeholders to ascertain whether the service offers value for money, and if there are any gaps and / or needs in the service for future development. MoreClosed 21 November 2022 -
Moving traffic enforcement consultation
Leicester City Council has identified problems with the efficiency of three yellow box junctions located within the vicinity of St Margaret’s and Haymarket bus stations: Abbey Street / Gravel Street yellow box junction Vaughan Way / Causeway Lane yellow box junction Southgates underpass merge with Vaughan Way The junctions are becoming blocked with traffic when motorists enter the box junction without ensuring the exit lane or road is clear, causing unnecessary... MoreClosed 9 December 2022 -
Local Plan documents for Full Council
The purpose of this site is to store electronic copies of the draft Local Plan submission document and supporting documents used in the preparation of that Plan - for access by Leicester City Council's Full Council, which sits on 24 November 2022. The documents are available for reference purposes only at this time, though will be re-issued in January 2023 when the draft Local Plan goes to public consulation on this site. MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
Maidstone Road zebra crossing
Moat Community College has over 1,000 pupils, the majority of whom cross the busy Maidstone Road close to the Apollo Close junction when entering or leaving the college. We are proposing the introduction of a new Zebra crossing at the junction to help improve safety for pupils and local residents. The proposed crossing will be put onto a road hump, similar to other road humps located on Maidstone Road. Due to the close proximity of the proposed Zebra Crossing to an existing road... MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
Steady Steps referral form
Please use this self-referral form for a place on Steady Steps , a free postural stability (the ability to maintain an upright position) exercise programme for people aged 65 or over who have previously fallen (or are worried about falling). Designed to help improve balance, stability, muscle strength and everyday functions. Steady Steps classes are tailored to each client’s ability level and progressions will be made week on week. The information you provide... MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
Cedar Road / Myrtle Road one-way and pavement parking scheme
Cedar Road and Myrtle Road are two-way cul-de-sacs in Stoneygate. Both streets are primarily residential, terraced streets containing build outs and kerb-to-kerb speed tables which have been installed to control the speed of traffic. The area is part of a 20mph zone. Due to the relatively close proximity to the city centre, double yellow line restrictions are in place on both streets, together with resident permit holder parking bays for local residents and visitors. Parking is currently... MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
How Are You, Leicester?
How are you, Leicester? The last two years have had a big impact on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of many people in Leicester. As well COVID-19, there are many other issues affecting our communities, some of which have been made worse by the pandemic. So, we would like to ask you a question: How are you? Please take a little time to complete this survey to tell us about the health and wellbeing issues that are affecting you and your community. This will help to make... MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
Bowel Cancer Screening Survey
This survey looks at why people carry out bowel cancer screening tests (and why some people don't). Your responses and comments will help us gain a better understanding of why bowel cancer screening uptake is low in some parts of the of the city. MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
Home care review
We are currently reviewing the way we provide care to people in their homes. Our plan is to recommission services based on the outcome of this review. To help us, we’d like to hear from anyone in Leicester who receives home care, or anyone who looks after someone who receives home care. The survey should take around five minutes to complete and will close on 2 January 2023. MoreClosed 2 January 2023 -
Ash Field Academy Residential Provision
Ash Field Academy provides education and support to children and young people between the ages of 4 and 19 years of age, who have complex health and medical needs. All pupils have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The school has capacity for 160 pupils and currently provides overnight residential provision for up to 18 pupils per night, four nights per week during term time. Annually, 35-45 (22-28%) of Ash Field Academy’s pupils are accessing the residential provision. Many of... MoreClosed 9 January 2023 -
Workplace Parking Levy reference copy
Please note that the workplace parking levy consultation is now closed and this copy of the questionnaire is for reference purposes only. Any responses submitted via this link will not be considered. Original consultation overview It is clear that if the council is to meet challenging decarbonisation, air quality and health ambitions, implement COVID-19 recovery plans, and deliver on people’s travel needs in a rapidly growing city, substantial additional funding will be... MoreClosed 31 January 2023 -
Hastings Road Day Centre consultation
Leicester City Council runs a specialist day service for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Hastings Road Day Centre was opened in 2005 and operates Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 5pm. This service currently supports 21 people but there are spaces for up to 30 people to attend. In recent years, the numbers attending have been falling and the service has not had a new referral since 2016. During a review of our day care services earlier in 2022, we held... MoreClosed 17 February 2023 -
Leicester Local Plan – Publication Draft 2020–2036 Consultation
The urban area of Leicester is one of the fastest growing areas in the country, with a uniquely diverse population of about 650,000. The National Planning Policy Framework requires local planning authorities such as Leicester City Council to support sustainable development and to plan positively for it by preparing new Local Plans. The Local Plan is an important planning document that once adopted will set out the vision and aims for growth of the city over the next 15 years. The Plan... MoreClosed 27 February 2023 -
St Marks area improvements survey
Leicester City Council have been carrying out work to improve the St Marks area of the city. A considerable amount of work has already taken place to improve the local environment around estate, including clearing fly tipping, dealing with pests, dealing with ASB hotspots and providing extra parking spaces. We are now seeking your views on the some of the important changes we would like to implement in 2023. The focus of our improvements relate to: Munnings Close, Donaldson Road,... MoreClosed 28 February 2023 -
Evington SSHN follow up survey
The Evington Safer Streets Healthier Neighbourhoods scheme introduced a new one-way on Gamel Road and experimental road closures on Davenport Road, Newhaven Road and Greystone Avenue. Responses to this survey will help us gain a better understanding of how much impact the scheme has had on traffic in the area. MoreClosed 28 February 2023 -
Climate Emergency Community Engagement
Leicester City Council is looking to connect with local community groups and organisations to help inform the council's engagement work on the climate emergency. The council declared a climate emergency in February 2019 and continues to implement a major programme of work over the next few years to move the council and Leicester towards net zero carbon emissions and climate resilience. MoreClosed 12 March 2023 -
Aylestone residential parking permits
Residents’ responses to our 2021 consultation on possible traffic measures in the Aylestone area indicated that there is a degree of support for a residents’ parking zone (RPZ) in areas affected by non-residents visiting the cricket and football grounds. The consultation also indicated general support for additional one-way streets and pavement parking controls across the area. Based on these consultation responses, we are now consulting on more targeted proposals in the Aylestone... MoreClosed 20 March 2023 -
Woodgate residential parking permits
A number of residents have raised concerns about parking issues in the Woodgate area. The majority of these relate to difficulties finding parking spaces close to their home due to commuters or other visitors to the area taking up available parking spaces. We would like to hear your views on a proposal to introduce a controlled residents' parking zone in the area. MoreClosed 20 March 2023 -
Stoneygate residential parking permits
A number of residents have raised concerns about parking issues in the Stoneygate area. The majority of these relate to difficulties finding parking spaces close to their home due to commuters or other visitors to the area taking up available parking spaces. We would like to hear your views on a proposal to introduce a controlled residents parking zone in the area. MoreClosed 21 March 2023 -
Sexual health services review
Leicester City Council needs to procure the next sexual health services contract to begin on 1 April 2024. The current sexual health contract is jointly commissioned by Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and Rutland County Council, and ends on 31 March 2024. The next contract will be commissioned solely by Leicester City Council, with Leicestershire and Rutland undertaking a separate process. We would like to hear your views on potential changes to the services and how... MoreClosed 24 March 2023 -
Regulation 7 Public Consultation (To Let Boards)
Leicester City Council received a number of complaints during the early and mid 2010s in relation to the display of ‘to let’ boards and their effect on the character and appearance of residential areas. The council understands the need to advertise properties that are available to rent but was concerned about the large number of ‘to let’ boards for residential properties in some areas and looked at more effective ways of controlling them. The display of ‘to let’ boards... MoreClosed 5 April 2023 -
0-19 Healthy Child Programme procurement consultation
The 0-19 Healthy Child Programme (0-19HCP) - also known locally as Healthy Together - looks after the health and wellbeing of all children in Leicester under the age of 19. It is delivered by Public Health Nurses (Health Visitors and School Nurses) and their teams across the city. Leicester City Council have commissioned Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust to deliver the 0-19HCP since 1 July 2017. Leicester City Council are proposing to keep Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust... MoreClosed 9 April 2023 -
0-19 HCP consultation (young people services)
This consultation focuses on health (school nursing) advice and support services for Year 7, 9 and 11 students. It is part of t he 0-19 Healthy Child Programme (0-19HCP) - also known locally as Healthy Together - which looks after the health and wellbeing of all children and young people in Leicester under the age of 19. It is delivered by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Public Health Nurses (Health Visitors and School Nurses) and their teams across the city The current... MoreClosed 9 April 2023 -
Local Safety Scheme - Narborough Road/Ashleigh Road/Stuart Street
As a result of road traffic collisions, Leicester City Council is proposing to introduce measures aimed at reducing the number of accidents on Narborough Road between Noel Street and Stuart Street. MoreClosed 11 April 2023 -
Cycle storage and amenity space design guidance consultation
Leicester City Council aims to be one of the leading cycle cities across the country. The increase in cycling uptake has benefits to health, the environment and to travel costs. Provision of secure cycle parking is key to achieving this vision, to encourage more people to cycle and increasing security of cycle infrastructure. Economically, recent studies show that cycle parking contributes 5 times the retail spend per square metre in comparison to the same area for a car parking... MoreClosed 8 May 2023 -
Meadow Gardens survey
We would like to hear your views on proposals to transform part of Meadow Gardens into a new residents' social garden. The proposal is part of an initiative called 'The Social Garden Transformation Project’, which aims to make existing outdoor communal areas more attractive and appealing to residents. One of the key aims of the project is to make these shared spaces more accessible and suitable for socialising and relaxing in a safe and secure environment. ... MoreClosed 4 June 2023 -
District heating tenancy change
We are seeking comments on proposals to amend the council's tenancy agreement with tenants and leaseholders connected to the city's district heating network. The proposed amends involve the installation of meters to properties using district heating to ensure tenants and leaseholders only pay for the fuel they use, rather than paying a fixed cost regardless of how much fuel is used (as is currently the case). MoreClosed 23 June 2023 -
Are you a carer?
Even if you don't consider yourself to be a carer, you may still be carrying out caring responsibilities which means support is available to you. MoreClosed 25 June 2023 -
Carer support service – partners' and professionals' survey
This survey is for anyone whose role brings them in touch with any informal unpaid carer who looks after or provides support with day to day living tasks or personal care to a family member, partner or friend (in Leicester) who could not manage without their support. The person they look after could be ill, frail, disabled, have poor mental health or a substance or alcohol misuse problem. Leicester City Council wants to understand the experiences of carers living... MoreClosed 25 June 2023 -
Carer support service – carers' survey
Carers UK estimate that every year, 4.3 million people become unpaid carers – that’s 12,000 people each day. Leicester City Council wants to understand the experiences of carers living in the city as we look to commission our next carer support service contract which will begin on 1 July 2024. By taking a few minutes to tell us your views, you will be helping to ensure that the service we commission will offer the right support... MoreClosed 25 June 2023
515 results.
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