515 results
Proposed changes to St Mary's Fields Infant School
About the school St Mary’s Fields Infant School is a community school providing education for 3 – 7 year olds. The school was inspected by Ofsted in April 2010, followed by an interim assessment in February 2013 and both were judged to be good. The Proposal The proposal is to change the age range of St Mary’s Fields Infant School to become an all through primary school (3 – 11 years). The proposal is being led by the city council and supported by the governing body. ... MoreClosed 15 December 2013 -
Douglas Bader Day Centre Consultation Proposal
We are changing the way we deliver adult social care services to give people more choice in the type of care and support they receive. This is being introduced throughout the country as part of national policy and is sometimes called ‘personalisation’. People are now receiving personal budgets as a way of meeting their support needs. A personal budget is money given by the council to people so they can arrange support to meet their needs. As people now have more choice, we are starting to... MoreClosed 16 December 2013 -
Burial Space Strategy
The subject of burials is highly emotional and sensitive. The cemetery and burial plot is an important space for families and friends to visit and to commemorate their loved one. While we are mindful of this, it means we need to find solutions to allow further burials in the city in the future and to implement a plan to prevent a shortage of burial space developing. Leicester City Council is developing a strategy to address this problem and is aiming to provide long term solutions... MoreClosed 5 January 2014 -
VCS Support Review
Leicester City Council values its good working relationship with the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). The VCS makes significant contributions to many important areas: policy development; service design, delivery and monitoring; community engagement and cohesion. The VCS understands the communities it serves and gives a lot to the economic and social life of the city. The current challenges, demands and expectations facing both the VCS and the public sector make it even more important... MoreClosed 17 January 2014 -
Belgrave Road flyover demolition
Belgrave Road flyover is located at Belgrave Circle roundabout at the start of Belgrave Road. The flyover connects Belgrave Road and Belgrave Gate, crossing the Belgrave Circle roundabout north to south. Abbey Park Road and Dysart Way are also accessed from the roundabout east to west. The full scheme involves the demolition of Belgrave flyover, changes and improvements to Belgrave Circle highway arrangements and infrastructure and the creation of a new 78 space car park for... MoreClosed 29 January 2014 -
Proposed footway/cycleway on Thurcaston Road
The Council is proposing to install a segregated footway/cycleway along a length of Thurcaston Road, to create a cycle link between the Sidings and Leicester Marina. The proposed works are the first stage in this link. In this first phase of the works, the cycle link will be along the existing footway on Thurcaston Road and is shown on the plan to the rear of this letter. The City Council’s workforce will carry out the works, with a programmed start date of 3 February 2014. Works are... MoreClosed 31 January 2014 -
Transforming Neighbourhood Services - South area
In April 2013 Leicester City Council announced a programme to reorganise neighbourhood services across the city. This includes libraries, community centres, adult learning and local customer service points. Significant cuts in government funding mean that we cannot continue to run services as we do now. But before drawing up any proposals, we wanted to talk to local communities to find out what they wanted from their services in future. We invited members of the public and local... MoreClosed 14 February 2014 -
Draft Statement of Community Involvement 2014
The draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how and when the community and other stakeholders will be consulted on the preparation of Leicester City Council’s planning documents. It also explains how the community will be consulted on planning applications. The previous SCI was produced in 2006 and requires updating due to changes in planning regulations. Following the consultation a summary of the responses will be written. This document will contain your name, address... MoreClosed 24 February 2014 -
Proposed changes to St Mary's Fields Infant School - Statutory Notice
The council has consulted on proposed changes to St Mary's Fields Infant School The consultation opened on 4 th November 2013 and closed on 15 th December 2013. Following the outcomes of the consultation, it is proposed to proceed to the next stage which requires the publication of a statutory notice, followed by a six week statutory representations period. The statutory notice can be found below, with the full proposals attached towards the bottom of this page. MoreClosed 3 March 2014 -
Proposed 20mph Zone - Woodstock Primary School Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph in the area around Woodstock Primary School. In the five year period prior to 31st December 2012, there were 15 reported personal injury accidents in the area where a 20mph speed limit is proposed, of which 6 involved injuries to pedestrians. As a result, in order to help constrain vehicular speeds, it is proposed to install traffic calming on Halifax Drive (part) and Marwood Road. Speed cushions are... MoreClosed 28 March 2014 -
Home Maintenance for low income owner occupiers
The House Condition Survey 2010 showed that 9,213 owner occupied households on a low income live in homes in Leicester that are below the decent homes standard. Many of these homes need adaptations, repairs or maintenance. ‘Low income’ households are defined as those living on one or more means tested benefits. Many of these people need help to carry out repairs and/or to find a reputable contractor to do the work and ensure it is completed to the right standard. The council has... MoreClosed 29 March 2014 -
IDVS Service User Survey 2014
As you may know, Leicester City Council funds the following specialist domestic violence services: A Family Service for children and young people aged 0-19 and their parents and carers, delivered by Living Without Abuse (LWA) A Safe Accommodation Service delivering emergency accommodation, sanctuary interventions and general housing advice, delivered by East Midlands Housing (SAFE Homes) A Victim-Survivor Project including IDVA, Outreach and Helpline activities, delivered by... MoreClosed 31 March 2014 -
IDVS Stakeholders Survey 2014
As you may know, Leicester City Council funds the following specialist domestic violence services: A Family Service for children and young people aged 0-19 and their parents and carers, delivered by Living Without Abuse (LWA) A Safe Accommodation Service delivering emergency accommodation, sanctuary interventions and general housing advice, delivered by East Midlands Housing (SAFE Homes) A Victim-Survivor Project including IDVA, Outreach and Helpline activites, delivered by... MoreClosed 31 March 2014 -
Housing Related Support services – Substance Misuse
We understand that for some people with drug and alcohol issues, housing related problems can be a barrier to their recovery. Currently, Heathfield House (a 24-bedded accommodation project) provides housing support for people affected by drug and alcohol issues. This contract is ending in 2015 so we are proposing to change the model of service delivery to create improved pathways, better outcomes for service users and a more efficient use of financial resources. MoreClosed 31 March 2014 -
Proposed changes to advocacy services
Voluntary Community Sector services for adults Leicester City Council has undertaken a review of its adult social care voluntary community sector preventative services. These are non-statutory services which play a role in delaying or preventing people from needing long term adult social care support. 62 services have been reviewed which provide a range of support for vulnerable adults including older people; carers, people with mental health needs; people with physical and sensory... MoreClosed 8 April 2014 -
Proposed change to counselling services
Voluntary Community Sector services for adults Leicester City Council has undertaken a review of its adult social care voluntary community sector preventative services. These are non-statutory services which play a role in delaying or preventing people from needing long term adult social care support. 62 services have been reviewed which provide a range of support for vulnerable adults including older people; carers, people with mental health needs; people with physical and sensory... MoreClosed 8 April 2014 -
Golf Consultation
Leicester City Council is interested in your views. We would like to know if you think the council should continue to financially support the two council-owned golf courses in the city, Humberstone Heights and Western Park. Please read the following information and complete the questions on the link below. Background Leicester City Council owns and manages eight sport centres, an athletics stadium and two golf courses. Sports services, including leisure centres, sports development... MoreClosed 18 April 2014 -
City centre car parking
City centre car parking Tell us your views on proposed changes to improve city council car parking provision. Accessible, affordable car parking of a high standard in the city centre is vital for visitors, residents and businesses. We have already created over 400 new on-street spaces to support the evening economy, opened a new car park next to Phoenix Square and introduced more flexible parking standards for office developments. We now want to do... MoreClosed 22 April 2014 -
Pavement Parking in Leicester
Pavement parking is where cars or other vehicles park either wholly, or with just two wheels on the pavement. In some parts of the city pavement parking is seen as a major problem so the Economic Development Transport and Tourism Scrutiny Commission is gathering evidence from as many sources as possible to investigate the issue. As part of this exercise we are asking the public for their views. Please tell us your views by completing our online questionnaire. Your views are... MoreClosed 30 April 2014 -
Proposed 20mph Zone - Humberstone Village
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph in Humberstone Village. The proposed change is part of a programme of new 20mph zones. Money has been set aside from the Integrated Transport Capital Programme to pay for the changes if they are supported. It is estimated that the cost of the scheme will be £10,000 MoreClosed 2 May 2014 -
Pine Tree Avenue Consultation
Pine Tree Avenue is a residential street in the Humberstone area of the city. The trees that give the street its name are mostly non-native Wellingtonias (Sequoiadendron giganteum), better known as Giant Redwoods. The trees have now grown so large that their roots are damaging the foundations of nearby houses and distorting driveways and pavements. Concerned local residents have asked that the council find a solution to these problems. For more information please see the... MoreClosed 9 May 2014 -
School Term and holiday dates
Leicester City Council is consulting on school term and holiday date patterns and we would like to know your views on a range of options prepared by our Working Party. The Working Party includes representation from headteachers, governors and school based staff. In accordance with our usual practice, we are consulting on arrangements for a three year period covering the academic years 2015/16 to 2017/18 inclusive. The options are set out in the documents attached below. UPDATE: On 6 th... MoreClosed 12 May 2014 -
Changing neighbourhood services in your area - West
Neighbourhood services in West Leicester are going to change. The city council wants to work with local people and groups to make libraries, adult learning and community services fit for the future: Find out more from staff in your local centre; Submit your views online; Pick up a leaflet from any council venue. MoreClosed 16 May 2014 -
Printed Music & Drama Service Consultation
The city council is required to make difficult decisions about its services as a result of significant cuts in government funding. The council’s response to this challenge is to work with service users and local communities to develop proposals to make the required savings in ways that will provide a revised but sustainable service offer. The Music and Drama service to groups in both city and county requires a lot of resource to maintain and the subscriptions that are currently charged... MoreClosed 18 May 2014 -
Proposed 20mph Zone - Laburnum Road Area
Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on roads in the Laburnum Road area. In order to help constrain vehicular speeds, it is proposed to install traffic calming in the form of speed cushions on the northern part of Chestnut Avenue and on Fern Rise. Persimmon Homes is funding the proposed scheme and there is no cost to Leicester City Council. MoreClosed 1 August 2014 -
Leicester Park Heritage Community Consultation
Leicester City Council is developing a grant application to the Heritage Lottery Fund to restore the historic wrought iron gates located in Victoria Park, designed by architect Sir Edwin Lutyens and commissioned by Sir Jonathan North in memory of his late wife. The project not only aims to restore the gates and explore the history of Victoria Park, but will also delve into the story of all of Leicester’s main Parks. MoreClosed 8 August 2014 -
Linden Primary School (Headland Road) - Proposed Speed Cushions
Leicester City Council is proposing to install speed cushions in response to a petition requesting traffic calming outside Linden Primary School. MoreClosed 8 August 2014 -
Transforming Neighbourhood Services - West area
In April 2013, Leicester City Council announced a programme to reorganise neighbourhood services across the city. This includes libraries, community centres, adult learning and local customer service points. Significant cuts in government funding mean that we cannot continue to run services as we do now. But before drawing up any proposals, we wanted to talk to local communities to find out what they wanted from their services in future. We are considering six areas of the city in turn.... MoreClosed 13 August 2014 -
Street Drinking
Leicester City Council is considering using its powers under the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 to make a Designated Public Place Order (DPPO) for areas within the city boundary. We have used information gathered from city wardens, parks services, play services, cleansing services, police neighbourhood teams, and residents to find out where street drinking is thought to be an issue. A recent audit report in Leicester (Street Drinking Audit, July 2013) showed that there are 106... MoreClosed 17 August 2014 -
Sexual Health Survey
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland local authorities seek to maintain the good sexual health of their residents through the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV . We have been working with voluntary and community groups to find out if the services we are considering buying are correct for the needs of the people across the region. We also held meetings with voluntary sector groups, sexual health experts and people employed and experienced with issues... MoreClosed 7 September 2014
515 results.
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