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493 results

  • Sexual health services review

    Sexual health services are currently jointly commissioned by Leicester City, Leicestershire County and Rutland County Councils. These contracts end on 31 December 2018. As a result, sexual health services need to be re-procured across all three local authorities. As part of this, we need to determine what the new services should offer so that they meet the needs of the people who use them. This consultation is about ‘integrated sexual health services’. This... More
    Closed 15 October 2017
  • 20mph Zone - The Newry Area

    Leicester City Council is proposed to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on parts of Stonesby Avenue, Windley Road and surrounding streets. To help reduce speeds, improve safety and discourage through traffic, we are proposing to install traffic calming on Windley Road between Attlee Way and Stonesby Avenue and on Stonesby Avenue outside Holy Cross Primary School. More
    Closed 9 October 2017
  • Social Welfare Advice consultation

    We are proposing to change the way we provide social welfare advice in Leicester. This consultation sets out our proposals and asks for your thoughts. What is social welfare advice? Social welfare advice relates to welfare benefits, debt, employment, housing, community care, immigration and family issues. People either need basic advice and information or they have complex issues which they need help to resolve. Although the council is not required to fund the majority of this advice by... More
    Closed 6 October 2017
  • Proposal for Southfields Drive Sports Centre (TNS)

    As part of the Transforming Neighbourhoods Services programme we had previously consulted with local people in the south area of the city to find out what they wanted from their services. Resulting from the consultation a decision was made to withdraw from Southfields Community Centre and relocate activity to the nearby Pork Pie Library and Community Centre. We now want to consult with local residents on proposals to withdraw from Southfields Drive Sports Hall, and in doing so, to assist... More
    Closed 26 September 2017
  • Healthwatch proposals

    Have your say on the future of Healthwatch services for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Healthwatch services were established across the country in 2013 to give people an effective voice about their local health and social care services. The key functions of Healthwatch are to: Gather and share the views of members of the public who use health and social care services Influence the planning, commissioning, delivery, redesign and scrutiny of health and care services ... More
    Closed 8 September 2017
  • Proposed new adult social care Prevention and Wellbeing Grant Fund

    The council is proposing a new approach to the way adult social care prevention services are delivered by the voluntary and community sector (VCS). This consultation is intended to find out what people think about our proposals. No decisions have been made at this stage: it is important to us to hear what people think in order to shape the council’s way forward in these areas. We want to give VCS organisations more flexibility to identify and support people who are most at risk of... More
    Closed 1 September 2017
  • Evington Village proposed 20MPH zone

    Leicester City Council is proposing to implement a 20mph Zone in the Evington Village area of Leicester. As part of this project it is proposed to reduce the speed limit in the area from 30mph to 20mph. It is also proposed to install traffic calming speed cushions on The Common, part of St Denys Road and Evington Lane approaching The Common, and put the existing Main Street pedestrian crossing on a flat topped road hump. More
    Closed 18 August 2017
  • Single smoke control area

    Smoke control areas are designed to protect the population from poor air quality. They are commonly used in urban areas to combat the negative health effects of smoke from chimneys. Following the introduction of the Clean Air Act of 1956, local authorities were able to declare smoke control areas within their boundaries. In Leicester this process began in 1958 and finished in 1975, resulting in the city’s smoke control area being covered by 38 separate smoke control orders This means... More
    Closed 13 August 2017
  • Proposed changes to adult social care prevention services commissioned from the voluntary sector

    The council is proposing a new approach to the way adult social care prevention services are delivered by the voluntary and community sector (VCS). This consultation is intended to find out what people think about our proposals. No decisions have been made at this stage: it is important to us to hear what people think in order to shape the council’s way forward in these areas. We want to give VCS organisations more flexibility to identify and support people who are most at risk of... More
    Closed 28 July 2017
  • Proposals for services in the East and Central areas (TNS)

    Leicester City Council is reorganising neighbourhood services across the city. This includes libraries, community and youth centres and housing offices. Significant cuts in government funding mean that we cannot continue to run services as we do now. But before making any proposals, in January and February 2017 we spoke to local people in the north east area of the city to find out what they wanted from their services. We also asked for suggestions for the future. More
    Closed 25 July 2017
  • Apprenticeship Graduation 2017

    This year's Leicester Apprenticeship Hub Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday 23 June. We would like feedback on the event from participants so we can improve the event for next year. More
    Closed 23 July 2017
  • Stoughton Drive North safety scheme

    Following meetings with local residents, we are proposing to introduce new traffic calming and safety measures on Stoughton Drive North. The aim of this proposal is to make Stoughton Drive North a more pleasant place for pedestrians to use as well as reducing the number of incidents raised to us by residents. We are inviting comments on the proposals from local residents and businesses, as well as people living outside of the immediate area. More
    Closed 23 July 2017
  • Local validation list consultation

    Leicester City Council currently follows national guidelines when validating planning applications. However, these basic guidelines do not require applicants to submit all relevant documentation when they first submit their application. This can lead to delays as the council often has to ask for further documentation and application details once the assessment period has begun. Leicester City Council is proposing to introduce a local validation list (LVL) – a checklist of documents... More
    Closed 23 July 2017
  • Council tax support

    This consultation has been withdrawn. There will be no changes to the council tax support scheme at this time. Council tax support is a means-tested discount that helps people who have a low income, or no income, to pay their council tax bill. We are consulting on whether to change the council tax support scheme in order to find some of the savings that we need to make. It is important that you give us your views to help shape your local support scheme. More
    Closed 11 July 2017
  • Trade Waste Facility at Gypsum Close

    Businesses can dispose of their waste at Gypsum Close Trade Recycling Centre. The facility is open to all businesses within or outside Leicester city. We are monitoring and improving the trade waste facility at Gypsum Close. More
    Closed 25 June 2017
  • Household Waste Recycling Centre Survey

    Leicester city residents can recycle a wide range of materials and dispose of domestic waste at our Freemen's Common and Gypsum Close Recycling Centres. We are monitoring how our facilities are used and how well we are performing. More
    Closed 25 June 2017
  • LOROS reuse shop customer survey

    The LOROS reuse shop at our Gypsum Close Household Waste and Recycling Centre has now been open for two years. We are monitoring how well the shop is doing so we can make improvements and help this important local charity even more. More
    Closed 25 June 2017
  • 20mph Zone - Wycombe Road Area

    Leicester City Council is proposed to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on Wycombe Road and surrounding streets. To help reduce speeds, improve safety and discourage through traffic, we are proposing to speed cushions on Turner Road and Hallaton Road. More
    Closed 12 June 2017
  • Leicester North West transport project

    The Leicester North West Major transport project is a multi-million pound improvement scheme designed to meet Leicester and Leicestershire’s future transport needs. The scheme covers an area broadly bounded by the A50 (Groby Road), A6 (Loughborough Road) and A46 (Western bypass) where significant housing growth is planned. The government has made more than £16million available for this project, and the city and county councils have contributed £3million. Phase 1 of the project... More
    Closed 26 May 2017
  • Parental / childcare survey

    Following our childcare survey last year, we would like find out more about Leicester families' childcare needs. This information will help us work with childcare providers to ensure that future childcare services meet the needs of local families. Everyone who completes the survey will be eligible for entry into a prize draw, with the chance to win £50 worth of High Street vouchers. Please provide your contact details at the end of the survey if you wish to be entered into the prize draw.... More
    Closed 23 May 2017
  • Proposals for Netherhall Neighbourhood Centre and Armadale Youth Centre (TNS)

    In 2016 we consulted with local people in the north east area of the city to find out what they wanted from their services. The consultation proposed to relocate services from Netherhall Neighbourhood Centre to Armadale Youth Centre and to dispose of the vacated building. In feedback, residents and service users suggested an alternative approach: to swap these proposals around. We would like to hear your views on this revised proposal to relocate services from Armadale Youth Centre... More
    Closed 17 May 2017
  • Volunteer for Good (V4G)

    Leicester City Council has teamed up with a host of environmental partner organisations to offer a range of unique volunteering opportunities for people wishing to improve their local environment, learn new skills or simply meet new people. More than 80 events will take place throughout Leicester and Leicestershire on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 May, ranging from conservation taster sessions to cleaning up the River Soar, city walking route identification to community gardening, waste... More
    Closed 10 May 2017
  • Knighton Fields Area - Proposed 20mph Zone

    Leicester City Council is proposing to implement a 20mph Zone in the Knighton Fields Area of Leicester. As part of this project it is proposed to reduce the speed limit in the area from 30mph to 20mph. It is also proposed to install traffic calming (road humps and speed cushions) outside The Lancaster School and Sir Jonathan North Community College on Knighton Lane East, and speed cushions on Knighton Fields Road East and Wordsworth Road. More
    Closed 21 April 2017
  • Stoneygate Parking Scheme

    People living in Stoneygate and parts of Spinney Hills are being asked whether they’d like a residents-only parking scheme to be introduced in their area. Residents and businesses are being asked for their opinions on whether such a scheme should be brought in, and if so what areas should be included. There is currently no proposed scheme for the area, but the city council has agreed to draw up plans to extend the existing Highfields scheme into parts of Stoneygate and Spinney... More
    Closed 16 April 2017
  • UAVA Stakeholder Survey2

    In 2015, the Council changed how we commissioned domestic and sexual violence support services. All services are now delivered by UAVA (United Against Violence & Abuse), which is a consortium of three established local support providers: Living Without Abuse (LWA) Women's Aid Leicester & Leicestershire (WALL) Freeva We are seeking feedback on the Information & Support Service, funded by Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, Rutland County Council and... More
    Closed 15 April 2017
  • Youth service remodelling consultation

    Continued reductions in government funding mean that Leicester City Council needs to make additional budget savings of £55 million by April 2019. This is on top of the £100 million of savings already made. All council departments will be affected by financial cuts, including Education and Children’s Services, which delivers youth services. As a result, we are proposing to change the way youth services are delivered. This includes the following services: One to one... More
    Closed 12 April 2017
  • Accident Reduction Scheme - London Road/St Johns Road

    Following an investigation into recorded personal injury accidents at the junction of London Road and St Johns Road, Leicester City Council is proposing to implement an Accident Reduction Scheme. An initial proposal was consulted upon in February 2016 but results showed there was no clear consensus on the proposed scheme. Various options for alternative proposals have been suggested. These have been appraised and now Leicester City Council is proposing an alternative scheme to reduce the... More
    Closed 27 March 2017
  • The Avenues Area - Proposed 20mph Zone

    Leicester City Council is proposing to reduce the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph in the Avenues Area of Leicester. It is also proposed to install a road hump and speed cushions on Clarendon Park Road outside St John the Baptist Primary School. More
    Closed 24 March 2017
  • Homelessness services review 2017

    Homelessness services in Leicester provide a range of housing, advice and support services for people affected by homelessness, and are delivered by a range of groups and organisations that include Leicester City Council and various voluntary, faith and community organisations. Every five years the council has to undertake a review of homelessness services and produce a homelessness strategy. This review is happening at a time when continued reductions in government funding mean that... More
    Closed 13 March 2017
  • Church Gate Conservation Area review consultation

    Leicester City Council is asking for the public’s views of plans for the Church Gate Conservation Area. The site within Castle Ward was first designated in 2006 and contains some of Leicester’s most important historic buildings, views, streets and spaces. More
    Closed 12 March 2017
493 results. Page 10 of 17