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493 results

  • Learning disabilities strategy consultation

    Further to our Learning Disabilities Strategy workshop and engagement in 2014, we have listened to your views and made a lot of changes to the original draft strategy. We would now like to hear your views and comments on what we have included in the new five year strategy. More
    Closed 24 December 2015
  • Leicester Market improvement scheme, phase 3 - Trader survey

    The aim of this survey is to enable traders and shoppers to share their views on a range of ideas for improving Leicester's historic outdoor market. This include improved lighting, refurbished stalls, new signage and a revamp for the market's retails units. Traders and shoppers can also make their own suggestions on the best ways to improve the market. More
    Closed 24 December 2015
  • Ashton Green transport improvements

    Ashton Green is seen as the most innovative and sustainable new development in Leicester in more than 30 years and will enable substantial progress towards delivering the 20,000 new homes needed in the City over the next 20 years. Providing highway infrastructure improvements and additional public transport services are key elements of the Council’s commitment to building a more sustainable new community. Furthermore, the early delivery of these proposed works were conditions of the... More
    Closed 21 December 2015
  • Admission Arrangements for 2017-18

    Leicester City Council is proposing some changes to the admissions policy of community and voluntary controlled schools in the city for September 2017. We would like your views on these proposals. More
    Closed 6 December 2015
  • TNS north west – youth centres

    Local services in Abbey, Beaumont Leys and New Parks are going to change. We want to work with you to make these services fit for the future. In 2014, we spoke to people in the north west about some council services in the area. Now the programme is expanding to include the two youth centres in New Parks and Stocking Farm. This map shows the buildings involved in the review – youth centres circled in red. We are inviting you to find out more and give your views by 29 November... More
    Closed 29 November 2015
  • 20mph Zone Folville Junior School Area

    Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets around Folville Junior School. In addition, it is proposed to install two sets of speed cushions on Waltham Avenue near to the school. More
    Closed 23 November 2015
  • Leicester and Leicestershire combined authority proposal

    Boosting jobs, improving transport and taking decisions locally – that’s the purpose of a proposed combined authority for Leicester and Leicestershire. The city, county and district councils are working on proposals to create a combined authority. If the Government gives the go-ahead, it would guide decisions on transport, planning, skills and other key issues affecting the area. It would not replace individual councils and their current services but would enable them to work more... More
    Closed 20 October 2015
  • Proposed Knighton Neighbourhood Area Consultation

    Leicester City Council has received an application for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area. The proposed area covers most of the Knighton Ward and is to be known as the ‘Knighton Neighbourhood Area’. All residents within the proposed area will or be soon receiving a letter notifying them of the proposal. This is the first stage in the process of the Knighton Neighbourhood plan. A Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led framework for guiding the future development and growth of an... More
    Closed 15 October 2015
  • Gambling Policy 2016-2019

    The Gambling Act 2005 says that we have to publish our Gambling Policy every three years. The current policy is due to expire in 2016 and so we are consulting on a replacement policy More
    Closed 16 August 2015
  • Substance misuse support services 2015

    Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland councils and the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are proposing to put in place an integrated substance misuse service which will cover Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland from July 2016. Over the next few weeks you will have the opportunity to tell us what you think of the proposal for one substance misuse service. Your feedback will help to further shape the model of delivery. More
    Closed 16 August 2015
  • Private hire and hackney carriage driver and vehicle licensing

    We are considering changes to taxi driver licensing, as follows: We currently license all taxi drivers for one year but propose to allow licences to be issued for one, two or three years. We propose to require new and existing drivers to attend child sexual exploitation awareness briefings We propose to introduce a driver penalty points scheme. We are also reviewing our vehicle age policy, which was implemented two years ago. More
    Closed 16 August 2015
  • Licensing Policy for 2016-2021

    As a licensing authority, Leicester City Council is required to review its Licensing Policy every five years. The current policy expires early in 2016 and so we need to decide on our policy for 2016 to 2021. The Licensing Policy sets out the authority’s position on matters relating to the Licensing Act 2003. This Act deals with The sale or supply of alcohol Regulated entertainment Late night refreshment More
    Closed 14 August 2015
  • Consultation on Article 4 Direction to 53 Oxford Street

    Summary of Position The owner of 53 Oxford Street in the City centre informed the City council as local planning authority of their intention to clear the site by submitting a prior notification of proposed demolition application. The Council, as the local planning authority, had 21 days to determine this application, which expires on 8th June 2015. As Local Planning Authority, the City Council decided to remove the permitted development rights which would allow demolition of the... More
    Closed 24 June 2015
  • Joint Mental Health DRAFT Commissioning Strategy

    This DRAFT Joint Commissioning Strategy on Mental Health in Leicester aims to improve services and people’s experience of them by focusing on the wider determinants of health and wellbeing, developing prevention and early intervention services and appropriate care, while at the same time addressing major financial challenges. The strategy has been produced with the involvement of all partners, including parents, carers, service users and professionals. More
    Closed 15 June 2015
  • Air Quality Action Plan

    Poor air quality affects people’s health and damages the environment. European and national guidelines set out the levels of pollutants in air that are considered acceptable. This ambitious air quality action plan will ensure that we do not remain complacent in our efforts to improve the health of people in Leicester and reduce inequalities. It contains far reaching actions over the period to 2025 intended to significantly reduce air... More
    Closed 9 June 2015
  • Bede Park Development

    Leicester City Council has developed proposals to landscape an area at Bede Park, near to the plaza precinct area on Western Boulevard. Paid for from developer contributions, the proposals include new seating areas, tree planting, an area for barbeques, an outdoor gym area and an area for Parkour. Bede Park experiences higher levels of use than other similar sized parks within the city, mainly as a result of the large student population within walking distance of the park. In general... More
    Closed 8 May 2015
  • To Let Boards Consultation

    Leicester City Council have received a number of complaints in recent years in relation to the display of To Let Boards and their effect of the character and appearance of residential areas. Leicester City Council understands the need to advertise properties that are available to rent, however we are concerned about the large number of To Let Boards in some areas and are looking at more effective ways of controlling them. In November 2013 the City Council adopted a Voluntary Code of... More
    Closed 24 April 2015
  • Quakesick Valley - 20mph zone

    Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets in Quakesick Valley. In addition, it is proposed to construct a road hump on Bellflower Road adjacent to Jasmine Close to constrain vehicular speeds. The developer is funding the proposed scheme and there is no cost to Leicester City Council. More
    Closed 17 April 2015
  • 20mph Speed Limit - Onyx Crescent

    Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on Onyx Crescent. Bovis Homes is funding the proposed scheme and there is no cost to Leicester City Council. More
    Closed 10 April 2015
  • Waterside Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Public Consultation

    Leicester Waterside comprises around 60 hectares of land between the River Soar and Leicester City Centre along the corridor of the A50. It is a gateway to Leicester City Centre and has significant potential for economic and physical transformation to create a high quality residential-led mixed-use neighbourhood which connects the city centre to the waterfront. The area forms an important part of the Citys wider Strategic Regeneration Area, which Leicester Core Strategy identifies as a... More
    Closed 13 March 2015
  • Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule

    Leicester City Council is proposing to introduce a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). CIL is a new charge that local authorities can place on new development in their area. Its purpose is to help fund infrastructure that is needed to support new development. Before the CIL charge is adopted by the Council it must be subject to two rounds of consultation. This is the second stage of the consultation process – the Draft Charging Schedule. The first consultation, the Preliminary... More
    Closed 10 March 2015
  • Consultation on Article 4 Directions to 122-132 Belgrave Gate, 1 Garden Street

    Summary of Position The owner of 122-132 Belgrave Gate & 1 Garden Street in the City centre informed the City council as local planning authority of their intention to clear the site by submitting a prior notification of proposed demolition application. The Council, as the local planning authority, had 21 days to determine this application, which expires on Tuesday 17 th February 2015. As Local Planning Authority, the City Council decided to remove the permitted development rights... More
    Closed 9 March 2015
  • Admission Arrangements for 2016-17

    Leicester City Council is proposing some changes to the admissions policy of community and voluntary controlled schools in the city for September 2016. We would like your views on these proposals. More
    Closed 28 February 2015
  • Local Plan - Issues and Options Consultation

    The City Council has begun preparation of a new Leicester Local Plan which will set out a vision and objectives for the growth of the city over the next 15 years. The new Local Plan will replace the 2006 Local Plan and the 2014 Core Strategy. It will set out how the council will respond to local priorities and how it will meet the social, economic and environmental challenges and opportunities that face the city. It will identify broad locations, scale and type of development and... More
    Closed 31 January 2015
  • Leicester local flood risk management strategy approval

    Between 7 August and 12 October 2014, we consulted on our draft local flood risk management strategy. This involved an online survey, presentations and displays in the community, and some attendance at major events to raise awareness of flooding issues. More
    Closed 28 January 2015
  • Review of Leicester City Council’s Allocations Policy

    The Council is required by law to have a housing allocations scheme which shows the Council’s priorities for allocating homes and procedures they follow in allocating those homes. The introduction of The Localism Act 2011 along with further guidance from Central Government has given local authorities the freedom to tailor their allocation priorities to meet the needs of local residents and local communities. The Government has made it clear they expect social homes to go to people... More
    Closed 16 January 2015
  • Health and Social Care Mental Health Strategy

    It is time to rewrite our Mental Health Strategy, our previous one was only until 2013, and there have been a lot of changes that we need to take into consideration, such as the Care Act 2014 , so with this in mind we are looking for your opinions and views as to what we should include in our new strategy which will be for 2015 - 2019 More
    Closed 8 January 2015
  • Substance misuse services

    We are consulting about the future arrangements for substance misuse services in Leicester. These services provide specialist help to people with drug and alcohol problems including psycho social support and medical interventions. There are currently four different services in Leicester: one for young people (under 18) one which specifically provides housing-related support two for adults (including one for people in the criminal justice system which serves... More
    Closed 29 December 2014
  • Health and Social Care Learning Disabilities Strategy

    It is time to rewrite our Learning Disabilities Strategy, our previous one was only until 2013, and there have been a lot of changes that we need to take into consideration, such as the Care Act 2014 , so with this in mind we are looking for your opinions and views as to what we should include in our new strategy which will be for 2015 - 2019 More
    Closed 24 December 2014
  • Changing neighbourhood services in your area - North West

    Your local services are going to change. We want to work with you to make these services fit for the future. We asked the local community to find out more about this programme and make suggestions for the North West area by Friday 19th December 2014. People gave their views online, via paper questionnaires and in focus groups. You can see a report on people's responses below. You will also find an information pack for some of the buildings we are talking about in the documents... More
    Closed 19 December 2014
493 results. Page 13 of 17