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493 results

  • Slater and Fosse Primary Schools revocation statutory notice

    In accordance with The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 Leicester City Council is proposing to revoke a previous decision to make prescribed alterations to Fosse Primary School, Balfour Street, Leicester, LE3 5EA. Additionally, in accordance with The School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013 Leicester City Council is proposing to revoke its intention to discontinue Slater Primary... More
    Closed 20 December 2020
  • Additional studies (planning)

    We initially intended to consult on the draft Local Plan in Spring 2020. However, the launch date was suspended due to the onset of Covid-19. During that period, additional studies have been completed which will inform the next stage of the Local Plan consultation process (after responses to the current consultation have been analysed). We invite your comments on these additional studies: Economic development needs assessment (2020) Water cycle study (2020) Local housing... More
    Closed 7 December 2020
  • Draft Leicester Local Plan 2020

    The urban area of Leicester is one of the fastest growing areas in the country, with a diverse population of about 650,000. Planning for the future involves anticipating future growth and making decisions about where we allow more development for homes and jobs, as well as identifying the built and natural heritage that we need to protect. In 2019 the government published the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The NPPF requires local planning authorities to support... More
    Closed 7 December 2020
  • 20mph speed limit - Egerton Avenue area

    Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph in the Egerton Avenue area. More
    Closed 30 November 2020
  • Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) Consultation

    Background: Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) were introduced in the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014. They are intended to deal with a particular nuisance or problem that is detrimental to the local community’s quality of life by imposing conditions on the use of that area. Failure to comply with the conditions is a criminal offence. On 31st December 2017, a joint PSPO for street drinking and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) was implemented... More
    Closed 15 November 2020
  • Leicester Haymarket Theatre Feasibility Study

    We’re looking at how we can bring the Haymarket Theatre back into use to support the changing needs of the local community, whilst also delivering a range of artistic, educational, entertainment and hospitality opportunities. We'd like to hear views and opinions from a wide range of people across Leicester and Leicestershire to ensure we have a representative view of how we could shape the future of this unique city centre facility. Please click the link below to give us your... More
    Closed 5 November 2020
  • Active Leicester Gymnastics and Trampolining members survey

    As we the prepare to welcome you back to our leisure centres we are implementing safety measures in line with government guidance. We want to ensure that our valued customers and members are comfortable to return. And to address any concerns that you may have at this stage. Your feedback and comments will help us ensure your next visit, whenever that may be, is as safe and enjoyable as possible. More
    Closed 5 October 2020
  • Young People Participation

    Leicester City Council has produced Social Care and Education Participation Approach, a draft strategy which looks at how we can provide young people with unique opportunities to participate in decision making and service development processes. We would like to hear views on the draft strategy and how it can be improved or amended to further increase increase participation opportunies for young people. More
    Closed 30 August 2020
  • Integrated Community Equipment Loan Service (ICELS)

    The Equipment Management Board has confirmed that the current contractual arrangement with NRS will end on 31 March 2022 and a commissioning review has begun to procure a new service. As part of this review, we are seeking stakeholder views on both the current service and future requirements to help inform and design the service going forward. All responses will be collated and shared with the Project Recommissioning Board for consideration. Please note that this survey is not... More
    Closed 9 August 2020
  • Urban planning resources

    Originally scheduled for launch on 23 March 2020, Leicester City Council’s draft Local Plan consultation has been postponed until future notice due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency. However, a number of documents are available on this site which set out the council's current thinking in terms of evidence to support planning and design in the draft local plan. Their content can therefore be considered as part of any relevant planning application. The council is... More
    Closed 31 July 2020
  • semi-independent accommodation and support (16-25)

    We are looking at how we can improve the way we work with local providers of accommodation and support for young people aged 16-25. To help us understand more, we'd like to hear your views and experiences of current services, and your thoughts on what future services could look like. More
    Closed 31 July 2020
  • Local Safety Scheme - Thurncourt Road

    Following concerns by residents about speeding on Thurncourt Road, Leicester City Council is proposing to install traffic calming between Scraptoft Lane and Nursery Road.. More
    Closed 20 July 2020
  • Statement of Community Involvement

    Leicester City Council's Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how the council involves local residents and businesses in the preparation of planning policies and proposals for Leicester. It also has information about how and when individuals and local communities can be involved in the preparation of planning documents and how they will be consulted on future planning applications. However, as a result of current government coronavirus (Covid-19) guidance, we may not be... More
    Closed 20 July 2020
  • Women Talking, City Listening

    This project concentrates on having meaningful conversation with women, to better understand the issues they face today. Funded by central government, the Women Talking, City Listening project will collect the voices of women across the city until the end of June. We will then report directly to the city mayor and the government, informing them of the ways in which women can be better supported, as emphasised by you. They can these use this information to implement policy change and... More
    Closed 5 July 2020
  • Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Transport Priorities

    We are seeking your views on a 30-year transport blueprint for Leicester and Leicestershire. A draft document on Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Transport Priorities (LLSTP) has been prepared by the county and city councils to outline priorities for the two Local Transport Authorities. It highlights where the two authorities will work together to deliver common transport aims and objectives, including those in support of the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan... More
    Closed 29 June 2020
  • Hackney carriage (taxi) passenger survey

    The council currently limits the number of hackney carriage (taxi) licences it issues. We are carrying out a survey to see if we should keep this limit, change it, or get rid of it altogether. On-street observations of vehicle movements and usage have already taken place, and a survey of the taxi trade is ongoing. We would now like to hear the views of members of the public. We realise that taxi / private hire vehicle usage is currently very different since the onset of the... More
    Closed 11 June 2020
  • Hackney carriage and private hire vehicle licensing

    We are reviewing our policies and procedures for licensing hackney carriages and private hire vehicles. This is part of our taxi strategy, where we will look at all areas of taxi licensing to see where improvements can be made. Please note: In view of the Covid 19 pandemic we have extended the closing date for this consultation to 30 April. More
    Closed 30 April 2020
  • Private hire operator licensing

    We are reviewing our policies and procedures for licensing private hire operators. This is part of our taxi strategy, where we will look at all areas of taxi licensing to see where improvements can be made. Please note: In view of the Covid 19 pandemic we have extended the closing date for this consultation to 30 April. More
    Closed 30 April 2020
  • King Richard III School Area - Proposed 20mph Zone

    Leicester City Council is proposing to install a 20mph Zone in the King Richard III School Area. More
    Closed 17 April 2020
  • Council estates satisfaction survey

    Leicester City Council owns 20,830 properties across the city. This includes council houses, flats, maisonettes and bungalows (this accounts for one in six homes in Leicester). In order to ensure these properties are managed and maintained properly, we regularly review services for current tenants, and also look at how we plan future services and improvements for council homes and our housing estates. We would like to hear your views on how we can improve these services: ... More
    Closed 29 March 2020
  • Speech, Language and Communication Strategy consultation

    The number of children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in Leicester is above the national average. This strategy sets out how we will support children with SLCN. A comprehensive online and face-to-face audit was completed in 2019 to better understand the level of support currently available, and also consider future need and demand for SLCN support. Feedback and comments from 400+ staff, 200+ children, young people and parents/carers helped to inform this strategy.... More
    Closed 22 March 2020
  • Clarendon Park West Area - Proposed 20mph zone

    Leicester City Council is proposing to install a 20mph zone in the Clarendon Park West area. More
    Closed 21 February 2020
  • Climate emergency

    Scientists now agree that the climate is changing as a result of human activity. Global average temperatures have increased by 1ºc from pre-industrial levels and sea levels are rising. In Leicester and the rest of the UK we are already seeing the early signs of change. More frequent intense rainfall is adding to the risk of flooding. More heatwaves like the one we saw in 2018 could pose a threat to health for vulnerable groups. World leaders have set a target in what’s known as... More
    Closed 9 February 2020
  • Connexions service consultation 2019

    The Connexions Service was created in 2000 as a national support service for all young people aged 13-19 (up to 25 with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities). Funding that was originally given to local authorities for this service ended in 2011 as part of the Government’s public service spending cuts. Download information about current Connexions services . Schools and colleges assumed statutory responsibility for securing access to independent and impartial careers... More
    Closed 31 January 2020
  • Education Welfare Service

    The Education Welfare Service (EWS) has responsibility for: Promoting good attendance by reducing absence, including persistent absence Enforcement of school attendance via the Courts (S444 Education Act 1996) Administration of the Penalty Notice system (S444A and 444B Education Act 1996 / LCC Penalty Notice for Unauthorised Absence Code of Conduct) Children missing from education (section 436A of the Education Act 1996) Child performance, child employment and... More
    Closed 22 January 2020
  • Pavement cafe licensing

    The council's policy on pavement cafe licensing has not been reviewed for a number of years. The purpose of this consultation is to check that the policy still meets our requirements and takes account of any changes since the last review that might impact on the policy. One aspect of the policy that is proposed for change is the requirement for all licences to expire annually on 31 May, regardless of when they were granted. It is proposed to amend this so that all licences expire 12... More
    Closed 19 January 2020
  • Humberstone village traffic calming

    A number of residents have raised concerns about rat running, speeding and inconsiderate parking within Humberstone Village. Main roads affected by proposed traffic calming measures: Main Street Stanley Drive Steins Lane Tennis Court Drive Vicarage Lane Also affected: Abbots Close Abbots Court Abbots Road North Gypsy Lane (Main Street junction) Humberstone Drive (Main Street junction) ... More
    Closed 19 January 2020
  • Joint Adult Mental Health Commissioning Strategy

    This draft joint commissioning strategy on mental health in Leicester aims to improve services and people’s experience of them by focusing on factors affecting health and wellbeing, developing prevention and early intervention services and appropriate care, while at the same time addressing major financial challenges. The strategy has been produced with the involvement of all partners, including carers, service users and professionals. More
    Closed 9 January 2020
  • Christmas in Leicester survey

    If you have been Christmas shopping, skating at Jubilee Square ice rink, visiting Santa in the Square and other festive activities or just enjoying the city festive atmosphere, we would really appreciate you telling us about your experiences. The survey will take around five minutes to complete. As a thank you for your time, we are giving you the chance to win a £50 Primark gift voucher. Your feedback is really valuable to us as it helps shape our planning for Christmas in... More
    Closed 5 January 2020
  • Pavement cafe licensing

    The council's policy on pavement cafe licensing has not been reviewed for a number of years. The purpose of this consultation is to check that the policy still meets our requirements and takes account of any changes since the last review that might impact on the policy. One aspect of the policy that is proposed for change is the requirement for all licences to expire annually on 31 May, regrdless of when they were granted. It is proposed to amend this so that all licences expire 12... More
    Closed 1 January 2020
493 results. Page 6 of 17