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493 results

  • Proposed changes to advocacy services

    Adult Social Care (ASC) currently commissions (buys) a number of advocacy services to help people to understand and say what they want, secure their rights, represent their views, wishes, and interests and obtain services they need. Under the Care Act 2014, councils are required to provide certain types of advocacy. Current advocacy contracts are due to end on 31 March 2019. The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on proposals for the future of this funding.... More
    Opened 21 May 2018
  • Customer Service Survey for Braunstone Leisure Centre and Cossington Street Sports Centre

    We are in the process of transforming our leisure services, and would like to know more about you and your family’s swimming preference so we can best improve the services we’re offering. Please take a minute to complete this survey in full - answering all the questions will help us analyse the results in the best way possible. We really appreciate your feedback. More
    Opened 7 May 2018
  • Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland's Living Well with Dementia Strategy 2019-2022

    The key aim of the local Dementia Programme Board is to support people affected by dementia to live well in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The board has drafted a new strategy showing the actions we intend to take. It reflects the national strategic direction and is informed by what people have told us about their experiences either as a person living with dementia or as a carer. We aim to create a health and social care system that works together so that every person with... More
    Opened 19 April 2018
  • Lifestyle Services

    The city council provides a number of lifestyle services. The main aim of these services is to help people change their lifestyle. This can be by supporting people to stop smoking, to improve their fitness, or to lose weight. Making changes like these will help people reduce the risk of developing illnesses such as heart disease or diabetes in later life. People are currently sent to different services to help with different issues. As an example, at the moment there are separate... More
    Opened 19 April 2018
  • Your favourite Leicester walk

    We would like you to tell us about your favourite Leicester walk. This will help us to paint a picture of the walking environment in the city and create a catalogue of walking routes for others to try. Your walk may feature in our Leicester’s Favourite Walks Guide set for release summer 2018. Your walk can be beyond the city boundary, but must be easy to reach from the city centre. More
    Opened 16 April 2018
  • Marsden Lane / Sanvey Lane traffic consultation

    A number of residents have raised concerns about rat running, speeding, and inconsiderate non-residential parking along Marsden Lane and Sanvey Lane. The main roads affected are: Marsden Road Sanvey Lane The knock-on effect of increased traffic levels also has an impact on residents living on: Conaglen Road Croft Avenue Franklyn Road Glover Court Logan Avenue Morban Road Narrow Lane Sanvey Close ... More
    Opened 11 April 2018
  • Bringing together Fosse and Slater Primary Schools

    Expansion of Fosse Primary School Part 1 – Notice is given in accordance with The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 that Leicester City Council intends to make a prescribed alteration to Fosse Primary School to change the planned admission number from its current 60 to a planned admission number of 150. Discontinue of Slater Primary School Part 2 – notice is given in accordance with The School Organisation (Establishment... More
    Opened 9 April 2018
  • Proposed changes to support for carers

    Adult carers are entitled to an assessment if they appear to have a need for support. If the assessment finds that they are eligible, the council will support them to seek to meet their needs. However, the council also commissions (buys) services for carers, regardless of whether they are eligible for support, to help them to maintain their health and wellbeing. The current contracts for this support are due to end in March 2019. Adult Social Care is reviewing the service before... More
    Opened 9 April 2018
  • Proposed changes to visual and dual sensory support

    Adult Social Care (ASC) commissions (buys) services for adults with sight loss or dual sensory impairment (deafblind). The current contract for this support is due to end in March 2019. ASC is reviewing the service before re-procurement, and would like to hear views on the proposed approach for the future. More
    Opened 9 April 2018
  • Proposed changes to funding for lunch clubs

    Adult Social Care (ASC) contributes funding to help 14 organisations to run lunch clubs for specific groups of older people in the city, at a total cost of £140,027 a year. However, ASC is facing unprecedented financial challenges, and is reviewing the funding for lunch clubs as part of its work to reduce spending to services that are not statutory (not required by law). As a result, it is proposed to phase out funding for lunch clubs over a period of 3 years and to support the 14... More
    Opened 9 April 2018
  • Putney Road link consultation

    This public engagement exercise seeks views on the planned improvement works to the Putney Road West / Aylestone Road junction. The scheme will create a shorter route for traffic moving from east to west between the Welford Road area and Saffron Lane / Aylestone Road, and will help to relieve congestion on the southern central ring road network, particularly around the Leicester Tigers Football Club ground and the approaches from Welford Road, Aylestone Road and Upperton Road. ... More
    Opened 2 March 2018
  • Draft Joint Carers Strategy

    Looking after a person that you care about is something that many of us want to do. Caring can be very rewarding, helping a person develop or re-learn skills, or simply helping to make sure your loved one is as well supported as they can be. The draft Joint Carers Strategy 2018-2021 sets out a shared vision and priorities for recognising, valuing and supporting carers by Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, Rutland County Council and the Clinical Commissioning Groups... More
    Opened 28 February 2018
  • Leicester Local Plan reference documents

    This page contains links to relevant reference documents from the recent Leicester Local Plan consultation.
 Please note that the consultation, which ran from 26 July - 17 December 2017, is now closed and that all of these documents are available for reference purposes only. Sustainability assessment refererence document Sustainability assessment questionnaire document
 Potential development sites reference document
 Potential development sites... More
    Opened 9 February 2018
  • Cossington Street Sports Centre Survey

    Help us to provide a better service at Cossington Street Sports Centre by giving your views on your experience. We also want your feedback on the recent improvement works which included upgrading the existing changing cubicles which stand on either side of the pool, upgrading the toilet and shower facilities and new vanity units and hairdryers. The pool has been re-lined and given a spruce-up, and improvements have been made to the centre’s main reception. This... More
    Opened 3 February 2018
  • Eyres Monsell 20mph zone

    A number of residents have raised concerns about traffic speeds in the Eyres Monsell area. As a consequence, Leicester City Council is proposing the introduction of a 20mph speed limit on 94 roads in the area, as well as traffic calming measures on Glenhills Boulevard (South). We would like to hear the views of residents, local schools and businesses and others who visit the area. More
    Opened 24 January 2018
  • Strategic Growth Plan

    A draft Strategic Growth Plan is being developed by a partnership formed by Leicester City and Leicestershire County councils, the seven local borough and district authorities and the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP). It puts forward proposals for the new housing and transport improvements that would be needed to attract jobs and investment to Leicester and Leicestershire from now until 2050. The final version of the plan will provide strategic direction... More
    Opened 11 January 2018
  • Environmental volunteers survey

    Working in partnership with a number of local environmental volunteering organisations, Leicester City Council is conducting a survey based around parks, green open spaces and nature reserves. In particular, we would like to hear from anyone who has worked on environmental improvement projects in the past. We are also keen to hear from people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds and others who visit the city's parks and green open spaces but may not have previously thought about... More
    Opened 21 December 2017
  • School admissions

    Leicester City Council is responsible for setting admission arrangements for all city community and voluntary controlled schools. Download full list of these schools . We are seeking views on proposed changes to these arrangements. Additionally, the admitting authorities for some of our academies are proposing changes to their admissions arrangements for 2019/20. Voluntary aided, trust or academy schools are their own admitting authority and are responsible for setting their own... More
    Opened 20 December 2017
  • Fosse / Slater Primary Schools

    This consultation sets out proposals to change the organisation of Fosse Primary School and Slater Primary School and explains what is being suggested and why and how this affects you and your child. We would like to hear your views on the proposal. You can do this by filling in this online questionnaire, or attending one of the meetings listed below (you can do both if you wish). More
    Opened 27 November 2017
  • Marriott Primary School Area - Proposed 20mph Zone

    Leicester City Council is proposing to reduce the speed limit in the area around Marriott Primary School from 30mph to 20mph. More
    Opened 17 November 2017
  • Homelessness strategy 2018

    Leicester City Council is committed to preventing homelessness by providing early advice and assistance, or helping people find suitable housing that meets their needs (rather than dealing with households at the point of crisis). This consultation seeks views on a draft homelessness strategy for the period 2018-2023 that has been designed to achieve this goal. Download full introduction to this consultation (recommended) More
    Opened 14 November 2017
  • 20mph Zone - Kestrels' Field Primary School

    Leicester City Council is proposed to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on part of Maidenwell Avenue and surrounding streets. To help reduce speeds, improve safety and discourage through traffic, we are proposing to install traffic calming on Maidenwell Avenue outside Kestrels' Field Primary School. More
    Opened 9 November 2017
  • NHS health checks survey

    We invite you to help Public Health Leicester improve it's services by participating in this short survey about a recent marketing campaign. Please note that all response data will be treated as confidential and held in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. For more details on how we use this data, please download our privacy notice . Further information on the council's privacy policy can be found via the link at the bottom of this page. More
    Opened 30 October 2017
  • London Road improvements

    We're planning to improve footpaths, create safe cycle lanes and 'Amsterdam-style' bus stop bays along London Road. This will improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and bus users on one of the main routes into Leicester. London Road will retain two lanes of traffic in both directions between Victoria Park and the train station. More
    Opened 11 October 2017
  • Pharmaceutical needs assessment

    Pharmaceutical needs assessments (PNAs) are carried out every three years to ensure that pharmacies / chemists across the country meet the needs of local people. One of the main reasons for these assessments is to help NHS England manage requests from pharmacists or businesses that want to set up new community pharmacies, merge businesses, or move to different premises. The assessment also provides a useful insight into other areas where improvements can be made to current services. ... More
    Opened 2 October 2017
  • 20mph Zone - The Newry Area

    Leicester City Council is proposed to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on parts of Stonesby Avenue, Windley Road and surrounding streets. To help reduce speeds, improve safety and discourage through traffic, we are proposing to install traffic calming on Windley Road between Attlee Way and Stonesby Avenue and on Stonesby Avenue outside Holy Cross Primary School. More
    Opened 15 September 2017
  • Street begging support survey

    Residents, businesses and visitors have raised concerns with the city council and the police about the extent of begging, especially in the city centre. Complaints have been received about aggressive and nuisance behaviour, noise, harassment, intimidation and other anti-social behaviour associated with street begging. In response to this, we have launched an eight-week consultation that seeks views on begging, what more could be done by way of support, and the potential introduction of a... More
    Opened 11 September 2017
  • Free group walks survey

    The Leicester Walking Project provides free short group walks in Leicester to help promote an active lifestyle and for people to familiarise themselves with varied walking routes in the city. Our walks are led and accompanied by friendly volunteers, last no longer than one hour and take in both city streets and green spaces. Walks run weekly, for a period of six weeks. We aim to put on local group walks in areas of demand, so participants can explore their local area. If you are... More
    Opened 6 September 2017
  • Proposal for Southfields Drive Sports Centre (TNS)

    As part of the Transforming Neighbourhoods Services programme we had previously consulted with local people in the south area of the city to find out what they wanted from their services. Resulting from the consultation a decision was made to withdraw from Southfields Community Centre and relocate activity to the nearby Pork Pie Library and Community Centre. We now want to consult with local residents on proposals to withdraw from Southfields Drive Sports Hall, and in doing so, to assist... More
    Opened 30 August 2017
  • Sexual health services review

    Sexual health services are currently jointly commissioned by Leicester City, Leicestershire County and Rutland County Councils. These contracts end on 31 December 2018. As a result, sexual health services need to be re-procured across all three local authorities. As part of this, we need to determine what the new services should offer so that they meet the needs of the people who use them. This consultation is about ‘integrated sexual health services’. This... More
    Opened 21 August 2017
493 results. Page 9 of 17