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505 results

  • Festival and Events Review

    The intention of the review is to establish the situation for each festival and event in a fair and quantifiable way so that decisions on the whole of the festivals and events programme funded by the Council can be made. More
    Closed 27 July 2012
  • Drug & Alcohol User Survey

    DRUG & ALCOHOL SERVICE USER SURVEY Welcome to the Drug & Alcohol Service User Survey. This survey is intended to get your views on Drug & Alcohol Services and how they can be improved. Please read the information below which provides some background on why we are doing this consultation and will help you to understand how the views you provide will be used to shape and improve our services. BACKGROUND 1. Recontracting of Drug and Alcohol Services Leicester... More
    Closed 7 September 2012
  • Leaseholder Survey 2012

    Annual Survey of Leicester City Council Lease Holders. This is a postal survey of all Leicester City Council lease holders. Each leaseholder will receive a copy of the satisfaction survey and a prepaid envelope to send us their response. All responses must be returned by 21st September. More
    Closed 21 September 2012
  • Have your say on changes to Council Tax support in Melton Borough

    Changes are being made to Council Tax Benefit. Melton Borough Council is inviting residents and local organisations to help find the fairest way of introducing these changes here in Melton Borough and to ensure that we continue to support our most vulnerable residents in the best way that we can. More
    Closed 28 September 2012
  • Have your say on changes to council tax support in Rutland

    From 1 April 2013, Rutland County Council assumes responsibility for a new scheme that replaces Council Tax Benefit. The council is still in the process of finalising the detail of this new scheme, but we feel it’s important to give you, our local residents and businesses, the opportunity to submit your views. We want your help, by completing a short survey, to find the fairest way of introducing these changes across Rutland. More
    Closed 28 September 2012
  • Council Tax Benefit is changing

    More than 300 residents and local organisations have had their say on how changes to Council Tax Benefit should be introduced in Charnwood. Ten weeks of consultation within the borough took place following a Government decision to abolish the benefit. The result of this is that residents who currently receive 100% Council Tax Benefit may have to contribute a proportion towards their bill. Despite the changes pensioners will still be exempt from paying Council Tax. A... More
    Closed 28 September 2012
  • Have your say on changes to council tax support in Blaby

    Changes are being made to council tax benefit. The council is inviting residents and local organisations to help find the fairest way of introducing these changes in Blaby and to ensure that we can continue to support our residents in the best way we can. More
    Closed 28 September 2012
  • Have your say on changes to council tax support in Oadby & Wigston

    Council Tax Benefit is changing. The Council is inviting residents to help find the fairest way of introducing these changes to ensure we continue to support our most vulnerable residents in the best way we can. More
    Closed 28 September 2012
  • Have your say on changes to council tax support in Hinckley & Bosworth

    Results of this consultation are now available to view at: Changes are being made to council tax benefit. The council is inviting residents and local organisations to help find the fairest way of introducing these changes in Hinckley & Bosworth and to ensure that we can continue to support our residents in the best way we can. More
    Closed 28 September 2012
  • Have your say on changes to council tax support in Harborough district

    Changes are being made to council tax benefit. The council is inviting residents and local organisations to help find the fairest way of introducing these changes in the district of Harborough and to ensure that we can continue to support our residents in the best way we can. More
    Closed 28 September 2012
  • Review of Leicester City Council's Housing Allocations Policy

    The Council is required by law to have a housing allocations scheme which shows the Council’s priorities for allocating homes and procedures they follow in allocating those homes. The introduction of the Welfare Reform Act 2012 has made changes to housing benefit which will impact on social tenants (council and housing association tenants) from 1 April 2013. The changes will mean tenants of a working age will only receive housing benefit according to the number of bedrooms a household... More
    Closed 2 October 2012
  • School Funding Arrangements 2013-14 (primary and secondary schools and academies)

    The Government has announced a wide-ranging set of school funding reforms, to be implemented from April 2013. There is limited local flexibility in implementing the new requirements and the changes are significant. The actual effects are mitigated for two years (2013/14 and 2014/15) through the application of the Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG). There will also be additional delegation of funds. The Council is proposing for April 2013 that we replicate as far as possible the existing... More
    Closed 12 October 2012
  • Have your say on changes to council tax support in North West Leicestershire

    Changes are being made to council tax benefit. We are inviting residents and local organisations to help find the fairest way of introducing these changes in North West Leicestershire and to ensure that we can continue to support our residents in the best way we can. More
    Closed 12 October 2012
  • Proposed Reorganisation of Braunstone Frith Infant and Junior Schools

    Leicester City Council is consulting on a proposal to reorganise Braunstone Frith Infant and Junior Schools. The detail of the proposal is contained on the webpage and in the Consultation Information Booklet attached below. More
    Closed 14 October 2012
  • Western Park - Mountain Bike Trail Proposal

    Leicester City Council is considering a proposal from members of the local community to develop a mountain bike trail around Western Park. Development of the routes would be conditional on securing grant funding. More
    Closed 19 October 2012
  • Big changes to council tax benefit - Have your say

    Big changes are being made to council tax benefit. The city council is inviting residents to submit their views to help shape Leicester's council tax support scheme. More
    Closed 30 October 2012
  • Connecting Leicester

    Welcome to the Connecting Leicester Consultation. Our vision for Connecting Leicester is to create a thriving heart of the city by improving the connections between shopping, leisure, heritage, housing and transport facilities, all linked by accessible high quality pedestrian routes. Our priority is to create excellent connections to provide a safe and family-friendly city centre. More
    Closed 31 October 2012
  • Proposed 20mph Zone - Harrison Road Area

    Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets in the Harrison Road Area. Most of the streets in the area have already been traffic calmed with road humps. However, the speed limit has not been changed from 30mph to 20mph. This is what this proposal is planning to do. It will bring the Harrison Road Area in line with other similar residential areas across the city. This proposed change is part of a programme of new 20mph zones which was... More
    Closed 12 November 2012
  • Proposed 20mph Zone - St Matthews

    Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets in the St Matthews Area. Most of the streets in the area have already been traffic calmed with road humps. However, the speed limit has not been changed from 30mph to 20mph. This is what this proposal is planning to do. It will bring the St Matthews Area in line with other similar residential areas across the city. This proposed change is part of a programme of new 20mph zones which was... More
    Closed 17 December 2012
  • Jubilee Square Concept Design

    This is the second stage consultation on the proposal to transform the St Nicholas Place Area into an attractive place and gateway into the city centre. More
    Closed 19 December 2012
  • Thurncourt Scout Hut

    Households in Netherhall and Thurncourt are being invited to give their views about options for future use of the scout hut on Nursery Road. Leaflets containing a questionnaire have been delivered to homes in Netherhall and Thurncourt to tell residents about the proposals and to ask for their views More
    Closed 21 December 2012
  • Annual Tenants Survey

    The Annual Tenants Survey is undertaken to help us monitor and improve services. More
    Closed 21 December 2012
  • Connecting Leicester: City Centre Improvements – Silver Street

    This consultation covers the proposed reconstruction and finished appearance of the Silver Street carriageway and footway. It is proposed that the design ties in with the junctions of High Street and Carts Lane already constructed as part of the City Centre Development Project. The design will use the same type of materials as was used on Loseby Lane and proposes to feature no kerb-face. However, the boundary between carriageway and footway will consist of a contrasting... More
    Closed 3 January 2013
  • Connecting Leicester: City Centre Improvements – King Street

    This consultation is on the proposed changes to King Street The objective is to link New Walk to Newarke Street, The Magazine and De Montfort University. The route will continue from New Walk over King Street and towards Newarke Street In order to do this - King street will be closed to motorised traffic using automated bollards at the junction of King Street/Marlborough Street. A second set of automated exit bollards at the junction of King Street/Belvoir St/Wellington Street. Fixed... More
    Closed 3 January 2013
  • Home to School/College Transport Consultation 2012

    The City council currently spends a total of £4.5 million per year on home to school/college transport. Following approval of budget proposals for 2012/13 and 2013/14 the council is required to make reductions in discretionary home to school/college travel provision to achieve savings of £255,000 in 2013/14 and £343,000 in subsequent years. This consultation covers: Discretionary Transport assistance for pupils who attend voluntary aided schools Discretionary Post... More
    Closed 14 January 2013
  • Budget proposals 2013-2015

    The government is making substantial cuts to the council's funding. We have therefore drawn up proposals for savings across each department in order to reduce our spending. We are now inviting views on these proposals. More
    Closed 21 January 2013
  • Concessionary fares

    The government is making substantial cuts to the council's funding. For more information relating to these cuts, please see the current consultation on Budget Proposals, 2013-2015 on Leicester City Council's Citizen Space consultation hub. The link is at the bottom of this page. We have therefore drawn up proposals for savings across each department in order to reduce our spending. We are now inviting views on these proposals. More
    Closed 24 January 2013
  • Leicester City Council Draft Tenancy Strategy and Draft Tenant Policy Consultation

    This is a consultation On Leicester City Council's proposed Draft Tenancy Strategy and Draft Tenancy Policy More
    Closed 1 February 2013
  • Arts Venues in Leicester City

    Curve, De Montfort Hall and the Phoenix are three city centre venues which promote a wide range of arts and entertainment experiences targeted at and intended to be of benefit to people who live in Leicester. More
    Closed 3 February 2013
  • Homelessness review and proposals

    The city council is inviting local people and local organisations that run services to feedback on the findings of the homelessness review and the proposed priorities for future investment. More
    Closed 18 February 2013
505 results. Page 1 of 17