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493 results

  • Home care review

    We are currently reviewing the way we provide care to people in their homes. Our plan is to recommission services based on the outcome of this review. To help us, we’d like to hear from anyone in Leicester who receives home care, or anyone who looks after someone who receives home care. The survey should take around five minutes to complete and will close on 2 January 2023. More
    Opened 22 November 2022
  • Local Plan documents for Full Council

    The purpose of this site is to store electronic copies of the draft Local Plan submission document and supporting documents used in the preparation of that Plan - for access by Leicester City Council's Full Council, which sits on 24 November 2022. The documents are available for reference purposes only at this time, though will be re-issued in January 2023 when the draft Local Plan goes to public consulation on this site. More
    Opened 16 November 2022
  • Workplace Parking Levy reference copy

    Please note that the workplace parking levy consultation is now closed and this copy of the questionnaire is for reference purposes only. Any responses submitted via this link will not be considered. Original consultation overview It is clear that if the council is to meet challenging decarbonisation, air quality and health ambitions, implement COVID-19 recovery plans, and deliver on people’s travel needs in a rapidly growing city, substantial additional funding will be... More
    Opened 7 November 2022
  • Bowel Cancer Screening Survey

    This survey looks at why people carry out bowel cancer screening tests (and why some people don't). Your responses and comments will help us gain a better understanding of why bowel cancer screening uptake is low in some parts of the of the city. More
    Opened 7 November 2022
  • Moving traffic enforcement consultation

    Leicester City Council has identified problems with the efficiency of three yellow box junctions located within the vicinity of St Margaret’s and Haymarket bus stations: Abbey Street / Gravel Street yellow box junction Vaughan Way / Causeway Lane yellow box junction Southgates underpass merge with Vaughan Way The junctions are becoming blocked with traffic when motorists enter the box junction without ensuring the exit lane or road is clear, causing unnecessary... More
    Opened 28 October 2022
  • Ash Field Academy Residential Provision

    Ash Field Academy provides education and support to children and young people between the ages of 4 and 19 years of age, who have complex health and medical needs. All pupils have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The school has capacity for 160 pupils and currently provides overnight residential provision for up to 18 pupils per night, four nights per week during term time. Annually, 35-45 (22-28%) of Ash Field Academy’s pupils are accessing the residential provision. Many of... More
    Opened 26 September 2022
  • Sports and physical activities survey

    This survey is part of an ongoing review into women’s participation in sport and physical activity in Leicester. As part of the review, we would like to hear from Leicester residents, particularly women, about their physical activity levels, opportunities and opinions on relevant facilities that are currently available within the city. The responses gathered will help inform the current Scrutiny Review Task Groups work around ‘Encouraging women into sports and physical activities in... More
    Opened 5 September 2022
  • Key Worker Corridors survey

    Early in the Covid-19 pandemic, Leicester and many other cities created pop-up cycleways and widened footways to provide safe routes for key workers. Leicester City Council has now secured funding from central government to maximise the benefits and help improve air quality and road safety along these key commuting routes in and out of the city. Two of the key aims of the funding are to reduce road danger, and improve access for people walking and cycling along these routes. To help... More
    Opened 22 August 2022
  • St Marks area improvements survey

    Leicester City Council have been carrying out work to improve the St Marks area of the city. A considerable amount of work has already taken place to improve the local environment around estate, including clearing fly tipping, dealing with pests, dealing with ASB hotspots and providing extra parking spaces. We are now seeking your views on the some of the important changes we would like to implement in 2023. The focus of our improvements relate to: Munnings Close, Donaldson Road,... More
    Opened 15 August 2022
  • 20mph Zone - Gilmorton Avenue Area

    Leicester City Council is proposing to change the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on streets in the Gilmorton Avenue area. More
    Opened 15 August 2022
  • You and your mental health

    The pandemic and lockdown affected many people in Leicester and we want to understand how it affected you. In particular, we want to support and empower young people to be able to speak about their mental health and seek help when and where they need it. We are developing a campaign to give young people ‘self-help’ tips and advice, demonstrate that mental health issues are not to be ashamed of and signpost to services that can help further. Your participation is invaluable... More
    Opened 8 August 2022
  • Homelessness services review

    Homelessness services in Leicester provide a range of housing services and support to help individuals affected by homelessness rebuild their lives and make a success of their future. Many groups and organisations play a role in tackling homelessness; in particular, the voluntary, faith and community sectors. As a local authority, we undertake a review of homelessness services and produce a homelessness strategy every five years. We want to hear your views about services: how... More
    Opened 25 July 2022
  • Stoneygate parking

    Leicester City Council have received a number of enquiries from residents regarding parking issues in the Stoneygate area, t he majority of which relate to difficulties finding parking spaces, with business vehicles, commuters and other visitors to the area taking the limited number of spaces that are available. One way to address these issues is to introduce a residents’ parking scheme in the area. There are number of ways such a scheme could operate. For... More
    Opened 18 July 2022
  • Draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022

    Pharmaceutical needs assessments (PNAs) are carried out around the country every three years, to ensure that local community pharmacies (chemists) are meeting the pharmaceutical needs of local people. The PNA helps NHS England manage and make decisions about requests from pharmacists or pharmacy businesses to set up new community pharmacies, merge businesses, or move premises within Leicester. They also provide insight into other areas where improvements can be made. Health and... More
    Opened 6 July 2022
  • Public Spaces Protection Orders for Dog Control 2022

    Leicester City Council's currently operates three Public Spaces Protection Orders for Dog Control across the city: Fouling Exclusion Dogs on leads These grant the council legal powers to take enforcement action in relation to any dog control issues that may occur. The current powers are valid for three years, and are due to expire on 30 November 2022. We are asking key stakeholders and members of the public for their views on our plans to extend the current... More
    Opened 1 July 2022
  • Personal transport budget survey

    Leicester City Council introduced personal transport budgets (PTBs) in July 2021 to give parents and carers the freedom and flexibility to make travel arrangements that best meet the needs of their families and individual circumstances. The number of parents and carers who are using PTBs is growing and Leicester City council is seeking the views of these parents by asking them to complete a quick survey. The survey will allow the council to understand what parents and carers... More
    Opened 21 June 2022
  • Apprenticeship Graduation 2022

    This year's Apprenticeship Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday 17 June at De Montfort Hall. If you've been a participant in the event, please give us your feedback. Your feedback will help us make the day even better for next year's graduates and their guests. This quick questionnaire should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. More
    Opened 17 June 2022
  • Queens Road improvements

    We are considering a range of possible improvements to Queens Road as part of a city-wide programme of investment to help the city and local businesses recover from nearly two years of disruption from the pandemic. Part of this would involve creating a more attractive shopping environment, with more space for outdoor café areas and wider, safer pavements for pedestrians. We would like to hear your views on our initial thoughts on what could changed in the area. More
    Opened 17 June 2022
  • Draft Joint Carers Strategy 2022-25 consultation

    As a carer or as someone supporting a carer, we would like your feedback on the refreshed draft Joint Carers Strategy 2022-25. 27 JUNE UPDATE: We are sorry that we have had to postpone the planned event on 28 June due to illness. The new date for the drop in event at Leicester City Football Club is 13 July, 1-3pm. Who is a carer? Many of us look after someone that we care about. We define a carer as anyone who supports and cares, unpaid, for a family member or friend... More
    Opened 8 June 2022
  • Smile Awards voting form

    The Smile Awards have been set up to celebrate people and organisations who have helped improve oral health in Leicester through creative and innovative projects and practices. Many thanks to everyone who sent in nominations. Candidates for each award have now been shortlisted and given a score from a panel of judges. - The public vote for shortlisted candidates is now open (closes Sunday 29 May). You can vote in as many categories as you wish. There are four to choose from: ... More
    Opened 10 May 2022
  • St Matthews / St Peters improvements

    We have been carrying out work to improve the St Matthews and St Peter’s areas of the city. A considerable amount of work has already taken place to improve the condition of the estates, including clearing fly tipping, dealing with pests and tidying up the green areas and shrubs. We are now seeking views on some of the more important changes we would like to make. In St Matthews the area we will focus on next is the large courtyard for Lethbridge Close and Edmonton Road. For St Peters... More
    Opened 9 May 2022
  • Scraptoft Lane zebra crossing

    We are proposing the introduction of a new zebra crossing to help pedestrians cross Scraptoft Lane between New Romney Crescent and Bowhill Grove. There is currently no provision for safe road crossing in this area. This section of road is used by local residents using the bus service and visiting shops, and also pupils walking to and from Scraptoft Valley Primary School. The proposed zebra crossing will be put onto a road hump and speed cushions will be installed near to the... More
    Opened 28 April 2022
  • Safer Streets Healthier Neighbourhoods - Knighton update

    Like many other parts of the city, Knighton has seen a steady increase in traffic levels over the past ten years. Residential streets in particular have been badly affected, with up to 75% of traffic being ‘through traffic’ and/or part of the school run in some areas such as Northfold Road. The council secured funding from the Department for Transport which has allowed us to trial new traffic measures. These measures will help reduce speeding, rat running and congestion in the area.... More
    Opened 18 April 2022
  • How Are You, Leicester?

    How are you, Leicester? The last two years have had a big impact on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of many people in Leicester. As well COVID-19, there are many other issues affecting our communities, some of which have been made worse by the pandemic. So, we would like to ask you a question: How are you? Please take a little time to complete this survey to tell us about the health and wellbeing issues that are affecting you and your community. This will help to make... More
    Opened 7 April 2022
  • Tudor Road residential parking

    A number of residents have raised concerns about parking issues in the Tudor Road area. The majority of these relate to difficulties finding parking spaces close to their home due to commuters or other visitors to the area taking up available parking spaces. We would like to hear your views on a proposal to introduce a controlled residents parking zone in the area. More
    Opened 2 April 2022
  • Domestic abuse and sexual violence services

    We gather feedback on the services for domestic abuse and sexual violence in Leicester. If you have been in contact with any of the local services at any time in the past 24 months, your feedback would be very helpful. We welcome feedback on all types of services. These include the local helpline, refuges, independent advisors (IDVAs and ISVAs) counselling, befriending, support groups and help for children and young people. If you're not sure which service(s) you dealt with,... More
    Opened 30 March 2022
  • Joint Health, Social Care and Education Transitions Strategy Refresh 2022-2024

    Over the last 3 years partners across health and social care have worked together to deliver the key priorities and actions as set out in the original Joint Health, Social Care and Education Transitions Strategy 2019 to 2022. The delivery of the strategy and action has improved the outcomes for our young people, especially those with special educational needs and disabilities and our children who are looked after, as they transition from childhood to adulthood. ... More
    Opened 29 March 2022
  • Live Well Walk & Cycle More Survey

    Leicester City Council are committed to supporting local communities to become happier, healthier and fitter by offering access to a wide range of support services. By completing this survey your views will enable us to develop our walking and cycling offer in the future. One of the council’s key aims is to help people improve their physical activity and make sustainable travel choices - for example making short journeys on foot or by cycle. The outcomes... More
    Opened 29 March 2022
  • Smile Awards nomination form

    The Smile Awards have been set up to celebrate people and organisations who have helped improve oral health in Leicester through creative and innovative projects and practices. There are six nomination categories: Above and Beyond Award - an individual who has shown a particular enthusiasm, passion and dedication to improving oral health in their setting or local community. Community Champion Award (Adults) - an individual or group working or volunteering in Leicester who... More
    Opened 28 March 2022
  • Woodgate residential parking

    A number of residents have raised concerns about parking issues in the Woodgate area. The majority of these relate to difficulties finding parking spaces close to their home due to commuters or other visitors to the area taking up available parking spaces. We would like to hear your views on a proposal to introduce a controlled residents parking zone in the area. More
    Opened 11 March 2022
493 results. Page 3 of 17